Surely, no story is truly original because stories are highly derivative, dependent on experience and inspired by the past.
That is why we see a lot of stories of the same elements and the like over and over again. And how do we know if we are crossed into the shadowy grace of plagiarism from the sunny refreshment of originality?
Simple, the response relies on the evidence and the informed opinion, as any ethical or legal infringement. In this article, you can understand, how you can avoid plagiarism while writing your story and what are the actions that could take you under the hefts of plagiarism?
An easy trick to avoid plagiarism and to add value to your content, instead of repeat those contained in other posts, by searching for updated information and details.
Try to restrict the number of such constructions to your final material by saving words and phrases that might be helpful in prose.
In addition to re-writing the text word by word, paraphrase whole sentences.
This approach not only makes the text singular, but it also makes it a true item, as it represents your writing style. From your point of view, write the contents.
This helps you to still get an original story even though the contents express the same ideas from another novel or story.
The first mistake while looking for the ideas is that we try to save that inspired idea in its original form and text.
Take good notes with accurate source quotes and passage quotations while looking. Then you will remember whether or not the words are yours.
Do not copy the manuscript and paste it from the source material. Don’t write on your computer or desk while the original paper or book is still in front of your eyes. These shortcuts just promote plagiarism as copying is just too simple.
So while looking for ideas memories it’s the theme in your mind and then after completing your daily tasks, take a relaxing breath.
Make sure your mind is peaceful and fully undistracted then write what you remember regarding it. After that transform it into words, that you perceive from the idea taken.
Add Quotations
Normally, in fiction, we don’t quote or paraphrase and our research is not literally contained in the manuscript. However, for a story to be truly powerful, writers need to be able to write clear, concise dialogue that can elevate their story and engage their audience. Dialogue is defined as the spoken interaction between two or more characters. Learning how to write dialogue in a story is considered one of the most important skills in a writer’s toolbox.
We use our characters and prose to work information into history. Exceptions do occur, naturally, such as the use of an acceptable quote at the start of the book and a favorite line for a protagonist in the poem and the texts of a song sung by a villain, who both include quoting references and, if not within the public domain, copyrights are permitted.
There is, of course, space for the osmosis process. We read the inspirational idea, we digest it or absorb it.
We record words, scenes and elements of the plot in our subconscious which impact us. We reutilize them later, always assuming that we’re so smart at it.
This kind of copying is accidental and cannot be concerned.
There is no need to attribute the source if you are motivated by the work of others. Using someone’s thoughts, drawing elements, scenes or characters and rendering them one with ample variations specially and originally, is typically more relaxed.
It’s the same for other books having identical storylines or themes. Each story will contain the same or related elements as other stories.
This is part of the derivative character of literature, as noted above. Plots and themes are replicated, rethought, replayed and replayed specially and originally as in inspiration story.
Only because something was available on the Internet, it’s not for use without supplying the source with the required credit. Stop the desire to speak out.
More, who knows that those phrases too may have been copied from another source? Parody imitates an original work but mocks and amplifies the current work for a comic effect and not a duplication.
Parody in books generally takes note of the parodied elements, there is no plagiarism since no effort is made to transmit the original work as your own.
In case you want to write a story inspired by one of your favorite stories in your own words and style. Relax it happens often when you are a writer, you read an exciting story or watched a movie you get so much overwhelmed by it, that want to recreate it in your own way. However, you keep thinking is this ethical? Am I really getting just an idea from it or copying this story theme? Where is that obvious line to differentiate creativity and plagiarism?
Reusing others ideas
Being a story writer you can really make use of the story of someone else as the basis for your own artistic path. Making it clearer to never write about your favorite story thinking, “How can I rewrite a better version?” Think instead, ‘What’s my favorite aspect of this overall plot, and how can I adjust to suit my own thought and style in it?
If you’re inspired by a plot, take the specifics that you like, split them into tiny elements and tweak and change things until your new story is outlined.
The least you copy from the source and the more imaginative action you take, the more original is the end product.
The more we change inspired aspects, the more our story becomes original. Let’s transform our Superman into a new universe explorer.
Moreover, you should never openly share copyright borrowing ideas. While legally you cannot patent a concept, and there’s nothing immoral in using an idea as a foundation for making something entirely new, much divisive hype still occurs. Keep your inspirational stories to yourself only.
Make sure your content is plagiarism free
The plagiarism checker is the best way to verify the originality of your content.
No matter it’s a story or a novel especially when you’ve used other’s stories or even movies for inspiration.
These tool uses sophisticated algorithms to review and search for duplicate material in order to look for search engine results, books, newspaper papers, and other online material.
If you review the plagiarism results from the plagiarism checker like or before publishing your story, 100% of the original content is published in your book. In this way, fines for copyrights infringements and litigation are also eliminated.
You don’t have to revise the whole story and concentrate solely on the pieces of it if you want to have original material.