Creating a Facebook page for your business is essential. Many people use social media to seek out products and businesses that will fulfil their needs, to look for extra information on a company, and even just to scroll where they will undoubtedly come across advertisements!
For your page to be successful in bringing you new customers and sales, here are seven things it needs.
A Profile Picture and Cover Photo
An engaging and easily recognisable profile picture is essential – it’s best to opt for your logo or something similar so your customers know exactly what they’re looking at.
For your cover photo, you can use a banner template to create something engaging and eye-catching that aligns with your brand image and the aesthetic of your business. Perhaps include some images of what you offer, or just some striking and informative text.
A Custom URL
When you create a Facebook profile, you’re automatically assigned what’s known as a Facebook ID which is typically just a string of numbers. This ID is used in the URL link to your page.
However, you can change this link to a custom URL for your business page. Having your business name as your URL will make it much easier for customers to know exactly what link they’re looking at when they want to reach your profile.
An ‘About’ Section
Don’t neglect the ‘about’ section on your page. Use this real estate to tell your audience a little more about your business, what you have on offer, and where and how you started.
Adding personal details like this helps to connect you with your audience and help them get to know you and what you stand for a little better. The aim of this, of course, is to encourage them to engage!
A Link to Your Website
A well-designed website is a must for any business, and it’s equally important that you direct customers towards it. Facebook provides space for you to add a link to your website within the information section on your profile.
You might also add links to your other social media pages if you have them, such as Instagram and TikTok.
Important Relevant Information
Of course, you also need to be providing your audience with the information they’re looking for. Fill in the most important details – business category, links, physical location, operating hours, contact details, etc.
You can also include additional info that might be useful, such as a menu if you’re a food-based business, a price list, any specials or promotions you might be running, or the services you offer.
Engaging Posts
Finally, your page should be used as any other social media page would – by posting content. Try to post regularly to boost engagement and stay in contact with your audience. A busier page will receive more traction.
If you’re not sure what type of content to post, there are loads of ideas online. You can post any news about your business, sales, promotions, giveaways, new launches, behind-the-scenes content, share customer testimonials and reviews and more.