A Guide on Buying a Water Filter

Water Filter

Water Filter

Choosing a water filtration system for your home can be a challenging endeavor if you don’t know what you should be getting. There are a ton of options in the market and it can get overwhelming for someone that is buying for the first time. You’re responsible for protecting your family against pollutants and it all starts with the quality of water that you’ll be drinking. There are a couple of considerations to have in mind when shopping for the best water filter and, we’re going to highlight some of them.

Know the Water Supply

It is important that you’re aware of the source of the water before anything else. You will have to know what you’ll be removing before settling on the water filtration system. In the United States, there is a searchable database where you can know the supply of water in your municipality. This makes it easy to know what you’ll be dealing with in terms of contaminants. There have been numerous tests that have been done and it has been found out a third of America’s water contains lead. There is information on the internet that you can use to gauge the quality of water that you’re getting in your area.

Point of Entry

A point of use system is one where the water is filtered at the point of use. Such a system will be economical if you’re not looking to spend a lot of money on buying a water filtration system. The contaminants that will be reduced will depend on the system that you have in place. It is important that you’re going for a system that will suit your individual needs and that of the family. You can read reviews and ask for recommendations in case you’re not sure of the system that you should be going for. A point of entry system will prevent the contaminants at the point where the water enters your home. There are some points of entry systems that will reduce chlorine and the odor that is coming from the water.

Contaminants Reduced

The water filtration system you choose might be focused on reducing some specific contaminants. Some of the contaminants include industrial pollutants, metals, chlorine, taste odor, and a lot more. That is why it is important to know the type of contaminants that are in your water so that you can get the appropriate filtration system. You could be thinking about getting a reverse osmosis system but you’ll first have to figure out the contaminants that will be in the water.

Dedicated Filter

There could be a need for a dedicated faucet to help with the filtration system. Such a setup is likely to be more expensive but it will be convenient in the long run. The flow of water is reduced so as to ensure that there is enough time to get rid of the contaminants. You can also decide to go for a filtration system that is specifically tailored to work with a particular faucet in your house. Such faucets are likely to be found in the kitchen because that is where the filtration system I needed the most.

Working With a Softener System

In addition to filtering, the water might need to be softened before it is safe to use. This means you’ll also have to invest in a water softening system. You’ll need to get one that can be seamlessly integrated with the water filtering system that is in place. Installing a water softener system will be necessary if there are heavy sediments. You don’t want the whole system to be ineffective just because you’re not taking care of the basics.

Choosing the Water Filtration System

Choosing Water Filter

Choosing Water Filter

As we’ve already mentioned, the water filtration system that you choose will depend on your needs as an individual. You’ll first have to figure out the kind of water that you’re dealing with before deciding on the exact solution that you should be going for. There are different types of water filtrations that you should be looking at. Ultimately, the type of filter that you choose will depend on your budget. You can still get high-quality water filters even when on a tight budget.


It is important that you’re doing the research before you can go out and make a purchase.  There is no one fit all solution when it comes to water filtration systems. You can always reach out to the company that you intend to buy from and ask them for recommendations based on your needs.