SEO Tactics and Trends For Websites in 2021



Search engine optimization (SEO) is always changing. From year to year, SEO must adapt to the evolving algorithms, technology, and user trends. Should you anticipate many changes from 2020 to 2021? Yes and no. Many of the trends that formed in 2020 for SEO have carried over to 2021, too. But there are a few trends and tactics that are still legitimate.

We have put together some SEO tactics and trends to make your web pages and site more successful in 2021.

1. Emphasize The User Experience

Ever since the idea of the user experience (UX) was introduced, algorithms have started focusing on it more and more. If you aren’t optimizing the user experience and appeasing Google or other search engines, your site won’t rank too high. And that’s a blow.

Part of the reason UX is so important is the idea of “pogo-sticking.” When a user is searching for answers, they will often go to a couple of websites before finding the one where they settle. Google sees this bouncing around as a sign of a user’s dissatisfaction with content on the websites they left early. When someone isn’t happy, neither is Google.

This means that you want people to click on your website and then stay there for a while. How do you enhance the user experience for 2021? Do the following:

  • Page load speed should be blazing fast. Pages that load slowly because of poorly optimized images or video or messed up code are going to increase your bounce rate.
  • Make sure all buttons and links are going to the correct place.
  • Use A/B testing, analytics, heat maps, and the like to understand the behaviors of your users. If you know your audience, you can appeal to them better.
  • Mobile-friendly sites are a must. If the website doesn’t function correctly on a phone, you will lose visitors.
  • Read up on the Core Web Vitals of web development.

2. Aim For a High Ranking

Your ranking will fluctuate throughout the days and months. Google is always working on the algorithms, meaning that your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) is not static.

Don’t get discouraged when your place on a SERP drops. If you can figure out what caused you to fall and correct it, you will regain your spot in no time.

The position of your website on the first result page is often underestimated. When spots are taken up by featured snippets and ads or blurbs of relevant information, you are going to have to work harder to get a place on the first page. If you aren’t ranking within the first few pages on the search results, then there is something wrong.

3. Word Count

Curious about the best word count for your blogs? There is none. Yes, that may be debatable, but it’s the truth. Basically, you need to think about the information needed to answer a question. Don’t make a 2,000-word article to answer a question that may only require 400 words. Also, you should ask yourself whether the information is worth an article or if you could neatly present it as an infographic or video.

4. Optimize Page Titles

Keywords need to be present in the page title. You also need to make that page titles eye-catching and click-worthy. If they aren’t gaining enough attention, then you will need to test out various formats. Use dashes or vertical pipes to separate keywords or try writing out the title as a long-tail keyword phrase. Over the course of a few weeks, you can test out which kinds of titles are most effective for promoting your content.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, these tips and trends for SEO in 2021 will help you rework the weak spots on your website. Search out the problems and fix them. Soon, you will be rising higher in the SERPs!