What are the advanced functions of access control system

advanced functions of access control system

Advanced functions of access control system

With the improvement of social security and the quality of home environment, the demand for access control products is gradually increasing, and the change of market also leads to the further development of access control products.

The main function of the access control system is to control the entry and exit of personnel, which has achieved the purpose of attendance and security. The access control management system of mairsturnstile mainly solves the problem of different access control pain points in different regions. Such as school, community, office area, playground and other places. In the entrance and exit of the community and the amusement park, cheap full height turnstile gate integrated face recognition or QR code recognition equipment will be installed to realize the security management of the entrance and exit.

There are two kinds of security devices: password and access controller. If you want to enter one, you need to know the correct password, and the other is to swipe the card. Codes are also divided into biological codes and digital codes. Biological code, such as fingerprint, iris, face, etc. The access control system can effectively ensure the opening and closing of the key entrance, and ensure the access of people with authority and those without authority.

The main function of the access control system is as mentioned above. There are some special functions of the new access control system, as follows: anti tracking function. The access control system of each gate ensures that one person can enter, and the next person can enter only after restart. Moreover, the entrance and exit of the access control system are different, which also prevents this problem. Fire alarm function, the access control system basically has an automatic alarm device, if someone intentionally destroys or forcibly enters, it will start, and in case of fire or other emergency, the access control system will automatically open to ensure the smooth escape passage. Logic door opening function, which can be opened in different ways, such as password, face and fingerprint.

Access control systems appear as the content of security, so its own security problems should also be guaranteed. Access control system requirements. Lightning protection, high temperature protection, electromagnetic interference protection, impact protection and other basic requirements.

The idea of having a gate installed at your property can be quite daunting and expensive, but it is worth the investment. Gates offer protection for your home and family from intruders or uninvited guests. They also provide privacy so that you don’t have to worry about people peering into your yard while you are enjoying time with friends and family. However, it doesn’t need to set you back financially. WHy not check out StarGateUKs aluminium gate installer for more details.

The processing mode for the situation of not opening the door after reading the access card is as follows

  1. 1. Check whether the relay is broken
  2. 2. Check whether the magnetic lock is damaged
  3. 3. Check whether there is current output after card reading
  4. 4. Check the card

In today’s increasingly developed access control system technology, especially with the rise of real estate in recent years, access control system can be said to have been widely used in all walks of life, favored by users, the following Wanglong intelligent take you to see what advanced functions the access control system has:

Combined with cloud technology

Combined with the current advanced science and technology, the access control based on cloud technology has been further expanded in function, which can not only handle thousands of channels at the same time, but also allow users to conduct remote interactive management on the access control of any channel. Especially in today’s large-scale commercial places, most of the civil buildings use this kind of access control system, which brings more intelligent and convenient solutions for all walks of life.

Wireless technology helps

Physical access control is mainly undertaken by the traditional mechanical door lock and online management system, which has high investment. Access control system is gradually changing from mechanical devices to online solutions using wireless technology. With the existing mechanical and electronic access control systems, online solutions can also be used to supplement, so that the access control system can be easily and flexibly upgraded to become a high-end security system. At the same time, it provides innovation opportunities for many access control system suppliers.

Fusion biometrics

From the early fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, and face recognition, it can be said that biometric access control has rapidly integrated into the market in just a few years, and has become a new market and field for many manufacturers. The wide application of biometric technology has already been recognized by the majority of users.

In addition, with the repeated application of living biometric technology in the past two years, fingerprint identification is ushering in its own more in-depth development. On the surface, the emergence of this technology helps to enhance the stability and convenience of the identification process. But in the long run, it means that on the road of fingerprint identification, it has found a more sustainable development direction. This not only improves the performance, but also sets a deeper direction for the development of biometrics. Therefore, next year’s biometric market is destined to continue to be brilliant.

In the future, with the arrival of the 5G artificial intelligence era, I believe the access control system will bring us unexpected shocks and create more value for the security market.