5 Ways to Incentivize Employees at the Start of the New Year



With the ever-changing workplace, one thing has remained the same: people like to feel appreciated. The start of the new year is the perfect time to incentivize your employees and show you care.

Even employers on a tight budget can use creative ideas to show their appreciation. Rewarding employees will improve your company’s culture as employees will see their efforts and dedication to work are providing them with benefits, perks, and gifts for your boss.

Gift certificates

Picking the perfect gifts and incentives for your employees can be challenging. The ideal choices for corporate incentive gifts are gift certificates so employees can choose what they want. Some employers continue to give them in paper form, while others provide virtual gift cards employees can spend online.

Health vouchers

As many people plan to get healthy as a New Year’s resolution, employers can offer their support by giving health vouchers. These are gift cards that employees can redeem at gyms, yoga studios, and other health-related businesses. After the employees choose their location, the employer pays the fee for a predetermined time.

Employers can incentivize their employees to get healthy by continuing to pay for health vouchers. Employees can keep going to their favorite health-related businesses and maintain their resolution while keeping themselves fit enough to do their work.

Customized gift boxes

Consumers enjoy purchasing subscription boxes where they get pleasant surprises once per month. Employers can give their employees customized gift boxes with items they’ll love. Employees get the experience of opening the gift boxes and seeing the surprises, and they also get to use the items in the box to enhance their lives.

Employers can encourage their employees to unbox their rewards on social media as an added incentive. You could set up a system where employees can win more gifts if they tag their employers. Social media is a great place to show off your business and get noticed by potential customers. Consider giving employees a preview of the possible items in each round of gift boxes they could choose while offering them a few surprises.

Branded clothing and swag

Employees appreciate receiving swag that shows their company’s logo and colors. Giving them clothing and gear lets them show their loyalty to the company. While they’re out and about in their company gear or using their company water bottles, your business’s name will become more prominent in the community.

If you aren’t sure what items to give your employees, create a company store. You can reward your employees with bucks to spend in the store. That way, they can choose shirts, coffee mugs, pens, and other items in their favorite sizes and colors.


If your company is close to stadiums and performing arts centers, consider giving tickets to upcoming events. Employees love experiences, especially if you have a company suite with additional benefits. If you don’t have a stadium or auditorium, consider giving your team movie tickets or tickets to smaller events at local high schools or colleges.

Wrap up

Awarding your employees for achieving their goals will help them continue working hard and succeeding. People enjoy being treated with respect and given incentives.