I love milk. There’s nothing like a tall glass of cold, creamy milk. But it turns out that the milky goodness we put in our cereal every morning has an impact on the environment—and not just on our waistline. Unlike conventional milk, organic milk production is better for soil fertility and management, water use, carbon footprint and energy use. That doesn’t mean you need to give up your morning latte or ice cream cone (or whatever else you enjoy), but it does mean that we can take steps to minimize our impact on the world around us by buying organic milk whenever possible!
Water Use
Organic milk production uses less water than conventional milk production.
The amount of water used in organic milk production is about half that used in conventional dairy products, which are not organic.
Soil Fertility & Management
Organic farms use manure and compost as soil amendments. Organic farms also use rotational grazing, which means that their cows are moved frequently so that they don’t overgraze a particular area. In addition to this method of keeping the land healthy, organic farmers often plant cover crops–seeds that are planted in between harvest seasons for the purpose of improving soil quality. Finally, many organic farmers practice crop rotation: planting different crops in different areas each year so as not to wear out any one area of land
Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. Organic milk production has a smaller carbon footprint than conventional milk because it requires less energy to produce, uses fewer inputs (such as fertilizer), and produces less waste.
Why is organic milk production less carbon intensive? The main sources of carbon emissions in organic dairy systems are from direct animal production (i.e., manure management) and indirect land use change impacts associated with feed production on non-organic farms (i.e., deforestation). In contrast, conventional dairies tend to have greater direct animal production emissions due to larger herds sizes and higher stocking densities than organically managed herds; however they also require more land area devoted exclusively for growing feed crops such as corn or soybeans rather than being used for grazing pastureland where cattle can graze directly off native grasses instead of being fed grain-based rations all year long like their counterparts who live closer together but eat more grassy feedstuffs instead!
Energy Use
Organic milk production uses less energy than conventional milk production.
Conventional dairy farms use more fossil fuels, such as diesel fuel and gasoline, to power their machinery and equipment. In addition to using fossil fuels for farm machinery, many conventional dairies also use them for lighting or heating buildings on the farm. Organic dairy farms tend to rely on solar panels or wind turbines instead of using electricity from utility companies that relies heavily on coal-generated power plants (or other sources of fossil fuels).
Waste Management
- Organic milk production has a smaller environmental footprint than conventional milk.
- Organic farms are more likely to use waste as fertilizer, manure as fertilizer and crop rotation to improve soil quality.
Organic milk production has a smaller environmental footprint than conventional milk
Organic milk production has a smaller environmental footprint than conventional milk, according to a study conducted by the University of Vermont. Organic milk production uses less energy and produces less waste than conventional milk production, as well as producing more healthy soil for future crops.
Why does organic farming have such an advantage? The answer lies in what’s known as “carbon sequestration.” Carbon is absorbed by plants through photosynthesis, which produces carbohydrates that are used for growth or stored for future use. As plants grow larger and older, they become denser with carbon molecules until they die off–at which point some of that stored carbon returns back into the soil (along with other nutrients).
What is organic milk?
Organic milk is produced from cows that have been fed only organic food. The animals are raised on grass and forage, with no antibiotics or hormones used to produce them. They’re also not exposed to pesticides or synthetic fertilizers during their lifetimes, which means their environment is much cleaner than conventional farms.
But what does this mean for you? How does it affect the taste of your morning latte? Or perhaps more importantly: Is all this extra effort worth it?
The environmental impact of organic milk
The environmental impact of organic milk
When it comes to sustainability, conventional dairy production has a big footprint. About one-third of all agricultural land in the U.S. is used for grazing cattle and sheep; this land could be used more efficiently if it were devoted to growing food crops instead. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that dairies produce about 24 million pounds (11 million kilograms) of manure per day–and about 95 percent of that goes untreated into waterways or fields where it pollutes the water supply with harmful bacteria such as E coli and salmonella.
Organic dairies are less intensive than conventional ones; they don’t use pesticides or herbicides on their crops so they don’t need synthetic fertilizers like nitrogen and phosphorous compounds (which can also contaminate groundwater). Organic farmers also allow animals more space indoors than conventional producers do: cows have at least one square foot per head plus an additional two feet per calf during winter months; goats get three square feet plus two feet per kid at all times; chickens get 10 square feet each plus six inches per hen during winter months
Buying organic milk is an environmentally-friendly option.
Buying organic milk is a great way to make an environmentally-friendly choice. Organic milk has a smaller environmental impact than conventional milk production, which means it has a smaller environmental footprint.
Organic milk is produced in a way that is better for the environment. Organic farms use less water, produce less waste and fertilizer runoff than conventional farms do. They also have lower carbon footprints because they use fewer fossil fuels and fewer pesticides. For these reasons, when you buy organic milk you are helping make sure our planet stays healthy and beautiful for generations to come!