Everyone faces problems with writing. Even the most successful professionals cannot avoid them. Recall the procrastination and writer’s block that affect George Martin, a renowned talented writer.
Probably, you will face various issues during your academic essay writing in any discipline. Along with reliable experts from a professional academic writing service SmartWritingService.com, we have gathered a troubleshooting guide concerning the most famous writer’s problems. Keep it by hand to avoid the majority of mistakes.
Attention and Memory Problems
Writing is a complicated process that needs a lot of resources in your mind. The majority of subjective and objective problems appear with your memory and attention. Here they are:
- Missing concentration. Usually, it appears when you feel that you haven’t done something important. Do all the essential business before you sit for writing. Do not turn it into procrastination: cleaning your shelves might not be as important as you think.
- Concentration is being lost. You sit and start writing, and in five minutes, your mind is somewhere else. This problem can be solved by making a strict plan, with timing and exact activities described. As soon as you have your roadmap to writing, the task will seem more straightforward. Another reason to lose concentration is a poor choice of a workplace. Try to eliminate everything (gadgets, TV, other people) from your zone at least for several hours. Get yourself a comfortable, well-enlightened place to write.
- Concentration and willingness to write disappear in hours. The more you write or do something, the more your brain hates this activity. You must let it rest as well as your body. If you are about to write something for several hours, make little breaks every hour. Close your eyes or concentrate on something pleasant. Do not forget to feed your brain. A bar of chocolate or a handful of nuts will do the trick. Another piece of advice for you appears: do not postpone. It is always better to write for a short term for several days than bending over a table for the whole day.
- If you cannot remember a word or find a suitable synonym for it, you should blame your poor vocabulary. Unfortunately, here you can do nothing except reading and memorizing new words. The English language, for instance, is a language with the most considerable number of synonyms.
Special exercises can train both memory and concentration. Learn poems by heart, perform timing tasks, build mind maps. It is not complicated, and you’ll be pleased with the positive results soon.
Writing Style Problems
When we talk about language problems, the most popular ones appear naturally. It is difficult to avoid them, but you can at least minimize them.
- Inappropriate language. Academic writing is a pretty strict sphere when it comes to style choice. The English language has a lot of styles and classifications. Formal, informal, bookish, obsolete, everyday, literary, conversational, jargon, and many other language styles exist and penetrate our language. On the other hand, academic papers require a scientific technique. Even more: different academic paper types might imply various language styles. To perform it well, find all the style requirements for your academic paper and discipline. Also, it would be good to have an explanatory dictionary to check the words you use.
- Grammar problems. They are a scourge for every writer. Do not get confused: even the professional writer commits mistakes. If they don’t, all the editors in the world are fired. Hopefully, with the Internet, you can solve the majority of problems with grammar. However, you should check the textbooks as well. Hopefully, the language style of academic writing does not imply complicated sentences and word combinations. Also, you can use popular online services, like Hemmingway or Grammarly, to edit and proofread your mistakes.
- Structural and logical problems. Usually, they appear when an academic writer does not know the structure of a paper and the proper writing sequence. To solve them, you should read the examples of the same articles, build the outline, and follow the plan. In general, all the papers consist of the body, introduction, and conclusion. First, you must begin with the body and describe the research. Then, interpret the results. Apply the interpretation to prove the statement of the whole paper. Continue with conclusions by finding the practical and scientific features of the products. Only, in the end, are you allowed to write the introduction and abstract of the paper.
The Biggest Problem in Writing
Of course, we mean the lack of imagination and inspiration. Starting with the topic choice and finishing with the content filling, motivation can disappear. The primary way to improve the situation is to become an all-rounded and interested person. Consider reading literature, both scientific and fiction. Learn about the latest news of the sphere you are going to write for. Attend groups, forums, and debates to learn much (by the way, debate clubs are good for learning how to build arguments).
On the other hand, inspiration and imagination appear when you let your brain rest from the information flow. Have a good rest, change activity, or go to the country to get new impressions. To say the truth, describing all the ways to gain writing inspiration will take a book or more. You must surf various recommendations and choose what you like most of all.
As you can see, all the problems with writing can be solved. Even if you do not feel gifted for writing, you can become a good author. It is a practice that makes perfect, not a natural gift.