In an era where remote work has become the standard, migrating to the cloud has become even more vital. There could be many reasons for migration, from cost savings to increasing communication to supporting remote workers.
A growing number of businesses are migrating from on-premises to the cloud and one cloud to another, no matter the reason. So, if your company is planning for migration, follow this checklist to migrate your data to the cloud successfully.
Create a Data Migration Plan
Planning your migration is the key to migrating successfully and avoiding issues. There is no one-size-fits-all data migration plan. As a result, it is critical to analyze your data migration goals and requirements and then create a unique and comprehensive data migration strategy that will help you achieve your goals.
Depending on your business needs, you may or may not want to migrate all data to the cloud. If you do not want to migrate all your data, you must pick what will and will not be migrated. For example, when migrating from Dropbox to Google Drive, decide whether to migrate all your Dropbox users or remove the users whose data is no longer required.
Select Your Cloud Migration Service Provider
Many third-party tools support cloud data migrations, but only a few supports migration between multiple clouds while meeting business objectives. When choosing a migration tool, there are many things you should consider. This includes:
- Compatibility with the cloud services
- Supported features
- Customer support
- Pricing
- Security
- Industry experience
- Performance and scalability, etc.
For example, when migrating between different clouds, let’s say Box to SharePoint Online, Box files include many features, such as permissions, versions, external shares, shared links, timestamps, etc., which is critical for businesses to migrate. So, before picking a migration tool, ensure it meets all your business migration needs.
Set Realistic Timelines
Choosing a realistic timeline based on your project scope ensures your team’s success. For example, large-scale data migrations might take months or even a year. So, when planning your project, ensure it does not interrupt your current business activities. Also, make sure to allow time for delays and additional work requirements.
Keep Monitoring the Migration Process
The team should always monitor the status of your data migration. This is because there are chances when challenges are unavoidable or cannot be predicted exactly. Identifying and resolving these issues as quickly as possible would help to assure the migration’s success even if any issue/error arises.
Choosing third-party tools like CloudFuze assigns a dedicated migration expert for each project who monitors your data migration and addresses the issues. So, you can regularly get updates on the migration status and continue your daily business tasks without any worries.
Check for Data Security During Migration
Data can be vulnerable to attacks during cloud migration if a proper data security plan isn’t in place. So, it is critical to implement security measures across all stages of your migration to ensure that your data is safe throughout the migration process.
The cloud migration provider you choose plays a significant role in the security of your data transfer. So, before starting the migration, ensure that it meets all the security standards and data compliance requirements.