Medical Terminology
How to Easily Learn Medical Terminology
If you are enrolled in any medical course, you have to learn medical terminology. Medical Terminology is something that is not easy to learn. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be the master of those terms. However, it is not impossible to learn. Sometimes, you are just using the wrong method. Here are some of the best tips to easily learn medical terms.
Medical Terminology Books
There are a lot of best medical terminology books that will help you learn medical terminology easily. These books have organized all the medical terms in form of chapters. All the essential medical terminologies are put in such an order the help reader to build more interest and eventually they end up learning the most difficult terms in an easy way.
Understand the Root Terms
Understanding root terms can make medical terms far simpler. Most of the medical terms have a portion of the Greek and Latin roots in them. Some of them are simply Greek, some are Latin, and some are a blend. That may sound overpowering, yet it doesn’t need to be!
The root “derma” is from the old Greek word for “skin” while the end is “itis” which shows irritation. Realizing that, we would then be able to accept that different words with comparative roots have related implications. Models incorporate laryngitis (irritation of the larynx), bronchitis (aggravation in the bronchial cylinders), gastritis (irritation of the stomach lining), and numerous others.
You don’t need to turn into a Greek and Latin researcher, yet wouldn’t it be ideal to expand certainty with your medical terms just as dazzle companions, family, and perhaps your educator with your insight into some normal roots?
Use Visuals
Another easy way of learning is to associate each term with an image in your mind. You can later relate those terms with the images in your mind. This will immensely improve your learning skills.
Our brains are designed to save most information as images. This is why when someone says the word a visual representation of that particular thing immediately pops up in your head…. most people don’t visualize the letters spelling the word.
But if we take the word “subhepatic” (definition: situated under/on the ventral side of the liver), it would be really hard for your brain to assign a visual to that word. The trick here is to give your mind something simple and familiar which it can associate with the term, no matter how strange the path is.
Create your Own Acronyms
The final method to easily learn medical terminology is by creating your own Acronyms. You can memorize a gathering of comparative or related medical terms by making acronyms. Simply take one letter of each word and structure a new word or an expression.
Making acronyms yourself takes a lot of creative mind and determination, however it’s amazingly reliable. To begin, simply take your gathering of related words, take a gander at their first letters and modify them to shape something new that is anything but difficult to recollect.
For Instance: Let’s say you need to remember the reasons for “erythema nodosum” (definition: aggravation of the fat under the skin). This condition is typically brought about by drugs, contaminations, pregnancy, OCP, ulcerative colitis or tuberculosis.
We take the underlying letter of each cause and check whether we can make an important word or expression (for this situation, we previously did that). At that point we get the abbreviation: DIP OUT
You can make your own arrangements of acronyms for different purposes: gatherings of maladies, medicines, body parts, and so on. At that point you’ll have your own, independent medical terminology study control, custom fitted to your particular adapting needs.
So, these were some of the best tips and tricks to learn medical terminology. You do not have to try each and every trick as this might be an overload for you. Just select one of these tips or get a medical terminology books recommended by TenDotReviews and master it. You will soon see the positive results.
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