We all know the joke that no one actually reads the terms of service of a website and just clicks accept, which is very much based in reality. But that doesn’t mean the terms of use of a website are worthless and not needed. The terms of use are a critical component of a website and should be written with the consultancy of a Corporate attorney.
These terms of use are really there for other attorneys and law enforcement agents that will read them and save them from legal trouble later in the life of your website. Just like the EEO policy statement of a company, these terms of service and terms of use are there to establish what the company behind the website endorses and takes responsibility for. Here are a few key benefits of having a well-defined term of use and service.
Terms of use contain a clearly defined person or legal entity that holds the responsibility of what goes on the website, how it looks, and how it is presented to the audience. This can include a whole host of things that are controlled by the responsible party, which is usually the owner of the site. This responsibility also extends into the realm of promotion and public advancement.
Target Audience:
Defining your target audience clearly in your terms of use is of significant importance. This is mostly due to the fact that websites aimed at children have fairly strict rules regarding advertisements, and the content on the site, and even the social features embedded in the website. So, if your website is not intended for kids, then state this fact clearly in your terms of use. This way, even if an underage person stumbles upon your website, you will not and cannot be held responsible for their visit.
Privacy policy:
Privacy is the hot topic right now. Governments around the globe are trying to preserve online user privacy with laws and regulations. One such law is that everything that you do with a user’s data should be known to them. Making your entire privacy policy a part of your terms of use will make sure that the user agrees to them, whether by reading or without reading. Additionally, it also gives you protection against privacy lawsuits and fines since you’ve already mentioned every single thing you do with a user’s data in detail in your terms of use.