Expanding AWS For Greater Efficiency



Are you looking for ways to expand your Amazon Web Services (AWS) for greater efficiency? If so, you’re in luck. By learning more about the potential of AWS and the various approaches developers use to supercharge this powerful tool, you’ll know which method is best for your needs.

Try Compute Services

Compute services help you launch and manage virtual servers in the cloud. Companies and developers concerned with flexibility will want to utilize compute services across AWS whenever possible. With these services, you can run web and application servers, batch processes, and big data analytics applications.

You can also use these services to host your website or company intranet. If you focus on AWS automation and acceleration, you will find that implementing these kinds of additions is crucial.

Focus On Your Storage Services

The right approach to storage can really enhance your workflow with AWS. Far too many developers fail to recognize this and rather than customizing their storage, they go with the defaults. While this may work for certain applications, the fact remains that if you are not using the right storage services, you are handicapping your AWS potential.

With storage services, you can store and retrieve data from the cloud. Similarly, with some storage services, you can even store data on virtual disks that are replicated across multiple physical servers. You can also use these services to archive data or back up your company’s data. The more diverse your data approach, the less risk you are exposed to in the long run.

Explore New Database Services

AWS is known for offering several powerful database options for developers. These services provide you with relational database management systems (RDBMS), non-relational database management systems (NoSQL), and in-memory caching systems. With database services, you can host your company’s mission-critical applications in the cloud.

On top of this, you should also expand AWS with networking services. These services allow you to create private networks in the cloud. With networking services, you can connect your virtual servers to each other and to the Internet. You can also use these services to route traffic between your virtual servers and your on-premises network.

Don’t Neglect Security Services

It’s no secret that security is of the utmost importance when you are dealing with sensitive data. In fact, the rising costs of security threats are being seen across industries of all kinds. Equipping your AWS with the right security tools is necessary if you want to do business in the modern world.

With security services, you can encrypt your data at rest and in transit. You can also use these services to authenticate users and authorize access to your resources. Make sure you are using a diverse security approach, implementing both physical and digital tools to keep your data safe and secure.

Get Granular With Vertical Expansion

Vertical expansion is the process of increasing the resources (e.g. CPU, memory, storage) of an existing instance. This is done by selecting a larger instance type when you launch a new instance or by changing the instance type of an existing instance. AWS is great for this kind of expansion, allowing your team to drill down to the specifics when deploying code and testing new approaches.

Broaden Your Deployments Through Horizontal Expansion

You should also explore the world of horizontal expansion. This is the process of adding more instances to an existing deployment. This can be done by launching new instances or by adding instances to an Auto Scaling group. With this technique, you’ll be surprised by just how many options there are.

Adding More Instances

Adding more instances is the process of increasing the number of instances in a deployment without changing the size or configuration of the existing instances. This can be done by launching new instances or by adding instances to an Auto Scaling group. AWS makes adding instances a breeze, as the interface encourages developers to take these steps when running the service.

When you are experimenting with this approach, you should aim to start slow and collect valuable feedback on the results. From here you can adjust your instances to make them more applicable to whatever function it is that you’re trying to achieve. A blind approach to adding instances will not equal productivity, so a measured scheme is optimal here.

There are several methods for expanding your AWS through adding additional services and exploring vertical expansion, horizontal expansion, and adding more instances. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks. Select the method that best fits your needs and start to expand your AWS today.