School graduation party is over, and now it is the beginning of an entirely new page in your education LifeBook. It is time to leave behind certain moments and people. Some farewells can be from the “desired” category; some of them can make you sad. Most likely, it is a need to say goodbye to your school friends. If you have decided to study at the same college as your school friends, you would have a lot more time together. However, the reality of keeping in touch with classmates is not like you probably have imagined. Different colleges, different plans and schedules, different other people in their lives, and from holidays to holidays you will notice that you do not have much in common with your school friends. This situation happens very often, and you should not be upset. Remember that you can build a strong friendship while attending college.
Step 1 – Do Not Think Ahead
Breaking up with high school friends can lead you to sad thoughts. Something like: “everything ends, and this friendship can end too, so why should I try?” An end is not necessarily the end because it can be a new beginning. Don’t focus on pessimistic alternative realities. Negative thoughts keep you from moving forward. Everything will be as it should be, and you need to take the best for yourself.
Step 2 – Find a Place
Just for you to know, this step is not obligatory. Yet, it can help you in understanding where you can find people who will become your friends eventually. There are many places: classrooms, dorms, libraries, areas around campus, and local college events, for example. In some places, you will meet groups of new people; at other places, you will see only one person to begin communication. Primarily, this step is about understanding what works comfortably for you.
Step 3 – A Is For Acquaintance
A warning just in case: do not expect you to have a new strong friendship right away. Childhood and childish naivety help a lot in making friends. Adulthood disposes to some inner alertness. Some people also might not let their past friendship go. The important thing again is not being afraid to start communicating. In the worst-case scenario, you will have a casual one-time conversation.
You may also outline how you will start acquainted with your future friend (mind that it can help you understand how other people may approach you). Maybe you need a mentor? Someone who will help you find the book you need? A neighbor in the audience? Project partner? Anything will be good, and, by the way, beneficial as well.
Step 4 – Strengthening Bonds
You need to build and develop any kind of relationship. Find out other people’s preferences, talk about your hobbies, invite a person for a coffee, walk, or event, and accept invitations (if it is comfortable for you). At the same time, it is not advisable to try to befriend all people in college. Focus on one or more (from two to three) people whom you find interesting. It will be easier for you to go to personal meetings with the chosen people since friendship begins with different activities. Of course, overall, everything depends on your preferences and wishes, and you can try to befriend as many people as you want. However, never forget that it should not have a negative impact on your education.
Step 5 – Take Care of Yourself
As you might have noticed, this “guide” mentions working on a relationship. It is important because nothing happens by itself. What is more important than that is understanding that you should not work on a relationship without reciprocity. If you are trying and suddenly realize that another person just takes what you offer, stop it. Even if you really like a person you want to befriend, you need to stop and find people interested in you. Eventually, you will be emotionally exhausted, irritated, and upset. You can try to discuss what concerns you in possible friendship with a particular person, but if you do not see reciprocity, it is better to end these bonds.
Miscellaneous Bonuses
In the end, we have some small tips or hints (consider as you wish) for you.
- Set priorities correctly. People you have around you are always more important than some “temporary” things like education. Yet, do not let the forming bonds to interfere with your education. And, by the way, a good friend in college will understand that you can’t spend all time with them. A good friend also needs to study.
- If you see that you are being used, do not be afraid to say goodbye to a person. You can’t build a strong friendship if a person wants to be friends with you only to get help with assignments from you, for example.
- Ask essay writer experts on to get another perspective on how to approach building strong friendships in college.
- Always remember that everything will happen as it should.