Improve Your Google Ranking
A well-designed website or a fantastic portfolio won’t mean anything if you’re not using SEO. Google and other search engines are strict when it comes to features such as alt tags, keywords, sitemaps, etc. You don’t have to learn a lot about SEO but what you need to do is know how to improve it. If you purchase white label search engine optimization services from a reliable service provider, you don’t have to worry about SEO.
SEO is complicated, and it is a long-term process. It involves the process of attracting online traffic to your site from a search engine through organic results. If your site is ranked high on the SERPs, you will get many visitors on your site.
There are numerous ways to enhance your ranking without focusing on paid search marketing provided by search engines. Here are ten tips you need to consider if you wish to rank highly on Google:
Use Relevant Keywords
How you place relevant keywords on your website is crucial. It is part of SEO. You need to understand how someone searches for information online. An individual will use specific keywords. As part of your SEO strategy, you need to do keyword research and create unique content with the relevant keywords. But you need to ensure that you don’t use a lot of keywords. Also, it is worth noting that keywords need to be related to the content. If you “keyword stuff,” your site will be categorized as spam.
Page Titles Should be Present
Having a title tag on your site is essential if you want Google to show your page on the SERPs. The tags will let the users and Google know what your site is all about. Google will display an estimated 50 to 60 characters. So, the message must be short and persuasive. The keywords and title should be on the home page.
Check the Structure of the URL
Google will look at your URL so that it determines where your site ranks. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your URL short and relevant for the spider bots to crawl them. Short and relevant URLs will make sure your site is visible to appropriate users. The URL should have the right keywords.
Add ALT Tags
Videos and images on your website should have captions added to them. These descriptive words are called alternative text. They let search engines locate the site because of the relevant keywords on the image descriptions and the website’s content. If you use Alt tags, your site will be found, and you will rank high on the SERPs.
Ensure Your Website Has Sitemaps
Do you know what a sitemap is? It is a page designed for listing and forming links to other relevant pages on the website. It will let the spider bots find pages faster and the relevant ones. Hence, each page will be easy to locate for the search engine spiders and will be reached with fewer clicks.
Optimize for Mobile
According to a study done in 2015, almost 40% of online traffic was from mobile. So, it’s no secret that a site with an excellent mobile user experience will rank high on the SERPs. Google is strict and will rank mobile-friendly sites. If your site is optimized for mobile, you will rank highly on Google.

Avoid Flash
Several small enterprises will use Flash on their websites because the software will launch quickly and it is affordable. But it is crucial to know that Google will rank sites with Flash lower because one can’t link to a specific page. Moving your site to WordPress will improve your rankings.
Content Creation
Most website owners already know content creation is mandatory. It is a must. Fresh content on your website shows Google that your site is authoritative and will rank it high. Ensure you keep producing new content all the time.
Monitor Your Work
In most cases, you might not know if SEO is useful if you don’t monitor your position on the SERPs. You can check your ranking on the Google toolbar or Alexa to see how you’re performing. It is also crucial to check analytics to see how many visitors come to your website.
Link Building
Another crucial tip to consider if you wish to rank high on Google is getting high-quality links to your website. This is crucial because Google will check the links and determine if they’re relevant. That’s why it is in your best interest to monitor links.