Google Search Engine URL With “S” In Place of Query

Google Search Engine URL With S In Place of Query

Google Search Engine URL With S In Place of Query

Hope you all are good, it is a difficult article because there are many peoples search this term which is given in the title, we will try to answer according to the question.

When you search anything on the Google browser or put your keyword so the word “S” appears after the “” For Example “

You don’t need to go to Google search bar, you can search without going to Google search bar, just write your query after “q=” like

If you put “s” in place of “query” or “q” then Google will show you an error or blank page.

You can make searches with “s” rather than “query” or “q”.

This is a short guide for those peoples who are searching for it and there is no answer on any website about it.

Today, more than 90% of inquiries are made through Google. But we should not ignore the rest of the other very interesting alternatives (especially in privacy issues) with great potentials, such as FirefoxQwant or Duckduckgo . Especially highlighting the latter would be a big mistake, since it currently has 30 million daily searches, and is green grass for SEO.

A few weeks ago Luis Calvo talked to us about the importance of our Single Page Applications (SPA) being indexable by Google. Today we are going to delve more into how Google (and the rest of search engines) works.

How does the search engine work?

We can define a search engine as an information retrieval system, where the user enters a series of keywords and this returns a series of results ordered based on a series of criteria.

Today, search engines present increasingly personalized results for each user, depending on the type of search (informational, local, transactional) and based on hundreds of variables, as we will see later.

Taking for example, the search “Buy sneakers” we see that 207 million results are obtained in just 0.53 seconds. In this case, the results are divided between:

  • Google Shopping
  • Google Ads
  • Google maps
  • And finally, organic results

It is important to mention that this search is carried out against its own database, with the results that it has stored and ordered according to its own criteria (its search algorithm).

Hence, the results differ between search engines and between Google’s own versions, where each country has its own version of the search engine (for example, for Spain, or for the United Kingdom) and its own database of data.

Thus, to appear in search engines it is a necessary condition that they have our content stored in their database, fulfilling a series of crawling and indexing and quality conditions in order to appear among the first positions.

Search “s” Query “q” Process

Before appearing in search results, search engines go through a process that is divided into three phases, as summarized by Matt Cutts in the following video:

The three phases that both Google and any search engine perform are the following:

Information search or tracking

In the crawling phase, bots or spiders try to discover new web pages and add them to their database. This is a continuous discovery procedure, as there is no central web registry.

The bots must follow the links of the websites that are already in their index, in addition to following the sitemaps that we provide through the Search Console tool.

As it is a continuous cycle, the bots register and update their database with new websites, the changes made to them and eliminate obsolete links or deleted pages, always limited by a “tracking budget” that marks which websites should be to crawl, its frequency and the number of pages per crawl.

This article was about Why Google Search Engine URL With “S” in place of query and hope you have been clear about it.

Tips to improve the tracking of our website

These are some tips to facilitate the tracking of your websites:

  • Create a sitemap.xml with the pages that make up your website and submit it through Search Console.
  • Define in the Robots.txt file the navigation paths that should not be followed by bots. eye! This does not mean that the URLs cannot be indexed, since it can happen if said URLs have links pointing to them.
  • Use simple routes with friendly URLs and internal links with a status of 200 (ok).
  • Indicates content pagination clearly.
  • It controls and informs Google of the treatment of the parameters of the URLs.
  • On international websites with several languages, use the Hreflang meta tag.
  • Use the canonical tag to control original and duplicate versions of content.

Useful tools to crawl our website

Tools like ScreamingFrog or Sitebuld can help us identify potential tracking problems.

These tools simulate a crawl through our website, that is, they identify and follow all the links on our website, differentiating between the different elements that compose it, response code, directives they contain.

These are very useful and powerful tools when it comes to auditing our website in the early stages of the search engine’s operation (crawling and indexing) and they have a degree of customization according to the type of crawl we want to be based on our needs.

Indexing Of Content

During indexing, search engines recognize the different pages that make up a website and store it on their system. They analyze the content of each page, the included resources (videos and images), and the meta tags, such as Title or the “ALT” or alternative text of the images.

Luis’s article that was mentioned at the beginning of the post focuses on the difficulties that Single Page Applications (SPA) and the JavaScript language present in the indexing phase since if they are not configured correctly the bots will receive an Empty HTML and several solutions are offered to this problem.

Search engines will be able to crawl and index the public areas. So it is advised to maintain a balanced content strategy without overly limiting your site’s visibility.

Moreover, while search engines need to be able to access and index most of a website’s content, utilizing password-protected links can also be a good idea. For example, a link with password protection can be used for creating exclusive, members-only sections with premium content behind a password allowing you to offer something unique and valuable to certain audiences. This could serve a dual purpose as the page will be indexed while still not displaying the full content of the page.

Tips to improve the indexing of our website

At this point, we must highlight the importance of the SEO strategy that we want to apply on our site and index those URLs with the greatest potential for the objectives of the web.

1. We leave you some tips to improve the indexing of the web:

  • Use Noindex meta tags to avoid content tracking. It is not recommended to include it in the contents that are blocked by robots.txt, since it is possible that the bots do not “see” this directive, reaching the content indexed.
  • Include descriptive and unique Titles for each content.
  • Structure the content through headings according to the importance of each content.
  • Use content with text and add descriptive attributes to images and videos.
  • Include structured data to enrich search results and convey more information to Google.

2. How to analyze the indexing of my website?

In the case of indexing, we can go to the “coverage” report provided by Search Console, in addition to the “URL inspector” tool, from which we can analyze the specific state of a URL.

The coverage report offers us very valuable information on the status of our URLs and the reasons for these states.

Thus, for example, for the different errors on our website, we will be able to know if they are server or client errors, if they have been blocked by the robots.txt file or if they have a tracking problem that we must analyze in depth. That’s why you can’t use “S” in place of “q” or query.

3. positioning or classification of results

This last part brings us back to the search “Buy Sneakers” and to the 207 million results obtained and specifically the way they are classified.

The Google algorithm has more than 200 factors in constant updates, which seek to present the results in the most appropriate way to the user’s query in order to give the user the best possible experience.

Approximately 250 factors intervene in the presentation of the results, among which are the user’s location, their language, and the device from which the search is carried out.

Techniques to improve the positioning of our website

  • Optimize loading speed, especially for mobile devices.
  • Add relevant, quality, and updated content.
  • Facilitate a good user experience when browsing the web.
  • Assess the option of implementing AMP to improve speed on mobile devices and be able to appear in featured news carousel.

In the following gallery of images, we provide a series of examples of personalized Google results for different types of searches, from the brand, public figure, ways to more localized searches such as the movie billboard or nearby restaurants to go to.