SEO tools save you mind-numbing from keyword research and data analysis. With these tools, you can see what is working and which parts of your strategy could be optimized. The best SEO tools also provide reports on how you stack up against the competition.
And where the best opportunities lie. They also allow you to measure search performance by country, region, or language. It gets better if you manage more than one website; SEO tools can help you evaluate the performance of each website on the fly.
Many entrepreneurs with multiple websites enter lots of data into spreadsheets and analyze them manually. But that quickly becomes overwhelming and increases the risk of inaccurate reporting.
Let’s go through the top five SEO tools real marketers use. There are no frills here, and I don’t get any commission for sharing them or trying to sell you anything indirectly. We use them, and they work. The five best SEO tools are:
- Ahrefs
- Pro RankTracker
- SEM Rush
- Pitchbox
However, SEO is one of the dirtiest industries in the world. It is illegal and arguably ethical, depending on the techniques and resources used. Finding a good SEO marketer is like finding a good mechanic. It’s possible, but it takes some digital marketing insight and a lot of patience.
Buying SEO services gives you a great chance of flushing your money down the toilet. I know that sounds harsh, but believe it from someone fighting in the trenches for fair rankings on Google… SEO is an industry like the Wild West. It’s the modern gold rush, and everyone benefits.
Luckily, you can use SEO software to save hours of hassle and generate accurate reports with one click.
Identifying an SEO Scam
Given all of this information, there are some usual red flags to watch out for when looking for an agency or freelancer for your SEO work.
They promise you a quick answer
There are no quick wins with SEO. Search engines like Google want to ensure that they provide users with relevant search results, and they don’t rank websites quickly to avoid mistakes.
Genuinely effective SEO strategies require a lot of upfront planning. Agencies should take the time to research and understand the industry your business operates in, evaluate your current website, develop a content strategy, conduct keyword research, and more. Plus.
All of this takes time, and even after implementation, it will take some time for search engines to consider the changes. If a potential SEO service guarantees you results in a short or particular timeframe, it’s not worth your time or money.
They Guarantee Impossible Results
Reputable and successful agencies promise things like ranking on the first page for a certain number of keywords within a certain period. This is perfectly fine and not necessarily a warning sign.
It would be best if you looked out for extravagant guarantees, such as #1 for a highly competitive keyword in a short amount of time. Something like that just can’t be guaranteed.
Another thing to consider is how the warranty is provided. Different industries need different amounts of work and time for effective SEO strategies. For example, the most competitive and crowded industries will always take longer to see results.
When an agency or freelancer promises results without even asking or mentioning your industry, you should be very skeptical.
They claim “insider knowledge”
In short, absolutely nobody knows precisely how Google’s search engine algorithm works. It’s so enormously complex and ever-changing that Google’s engineers don’t fully understand how it works.
Successful SEO is based on evidence, industry experience, and public information that Google disseminates. Nobody has inside knowledge, so agencies that claim to have it can be a giant red flag when looking for SEO work.
Mention outdated techniques
This can be difficult to understand, especially if you’re brushing up on your SEO skills. Several SEO techniques were highly effective years ago when the Google algorithm was in infancy. Most of them don’t work today, and many will hurt rather than help your ranking.
Some of the most usual ones to look out for:
- “Keyword stuffing”: Include as many searchable keywords as possible in your content and meta descriptions.
- Buy or trade backlinks.
- “Private blogging networks” o PBN: a network of fictitious blogs used solely to rate other websites
- All referred to as the “black hat” technique.
Some of these techniques may still be effective in the short term today, but your site will be penalized or even de-indexed by search engines if you are caught using them.
They are vague about pricing and cannot give references.
These two qualities are the assay mark of an agency that only cares about your money. While there is no industry standard price for SEO work, any legitimate agency will willingly and willingly provide you with an initial quote based on your specific needs.
If a potential SEO partner is bland or vague about pricing, it could be a sign of exploitation and artificially inflated costs in the future. Likewise, any agency worth partnering with will be ready to provide you with a portfolio and reference list that you can contact at any time.
This one is pretty simple: no referrals = no business.
In a nutshell
It can be pretty stressful considering all this information when looking for an agency to work with, but it’s worth it in the end.
A suitable SEO agency will be helpful, aware of your specific business circumstances, and, more importantly, deliver results. I hope you found this helpful.