Ways To Boost Your Mac PC Performance
Your MacBook is one of your most prized possessions and you do not want to mess it up ever. But off late, it has been giving you a lot of issues. It has been slowing down and considerably so. Could it be the RAM management? Could it be the fact that it is old, and the time has finally come to replace it? Whatever the case may be, there are always a few ways to make your Mac PC run a little faster than usual. Let’s find out what they can be:
1. Update Your Software
There are security patches and antivirus updates among some major software upgrades that you should be aware of. They are rolled out at the beginning of every month, and it is important to check for them routinely. You will find that most of your apps and software programs on your laptop or your iPhone will get upgraded and their size will also get reduced. You will see that their icons have changed, and the themes have become a little different once you upgrade or update your operating system. Now comes the big part. Once you have updated the software, you will notice at least a 20% increase in the speed of your gadget. That is something!
2. Malware Scan Is In The Offing
When was the last time you performed a malware or a virus scan? If you think that your Apple devices do not get any viruses or similar threats, you are mistaken. Mac OS and IOS indeed have certain advantages over other operating systems, but they do not make them immune to virus attacks. You will have to run a virus scan or a malware scan periodically to make sure that your system is not running into any trouble. Install a cleaner app for daily use. Download and run an antivirus scan to delete every infected file. You can always read more here about how to make Mac OS and IOS better.
3. Is That Your Internet?
Could it be that your internet is slowing you down instead? You might find that your browser doesn’t open as properly as it used to about a week ago. You might notice that Google Docs does not respond to your clicks as fast as it used to a few days ago. It could be your internet and not your MacBook at all. Check for your browsing speeds and upgrade your plan if you need to.
4. Remove All Your Unused Apps
This goes for probably every smart gadget and electronic device under the sky. If you have any unused apps or any application that might be taking up unnecessary RAM on your system, remove them.
Key Takeaways
The problem with your computer might not be that serious after all. There is nothing that a simple restart cannot fix. You should always try to maintain a certain level of hygiene even in your gadgets. Install a RAM management app. Clear your recent running apps regularly. Perform a system and disk check routinely. These tips should also help you maintain a good PC speed without breaking the bank or breaking into a sweat.