Best Desktop Apps For Windows 10 PC
There is one concept about Windows 10 that it is usefull and good than other devices, among them we can count on Mobile and Windows 10 PC, which has been offering the best services every day so that everyone can feel delighted with your products.
As we all like to personalize our desktop, we are always looking for tools that make this something unique and functional. While it is true that Microsoft has long since eliminated gadgets for security reasons, it is also true that instead, it gave way to a series of apps that do the same things and many more, these are available in its online Microsoft Store. In it, more than 700 thousand are achieved that we can download and use whenever we want.
In this guide, we will help you to know the 18 best apps to adjust the desktop of your computer to your liking and need. We will explain a little what it is and what each one is for, so you can know which is the best for you and you can also get more information about desktop apps..
18 best applications to customize the desktop experience of your Windows 10
One of the highlights of this version is its virtual Windows Store, which, despite not having the level of iOS and Android, is perfect for adding add-ons to your desktop. As with all software, sometimes it isn’t easy to get really worthwhile applications, work correctly and are safe for the computer.
However, we can currently find a series of excellent tools that are compatible with it. So if you are looking to customize it, this time we bring you some of them that we consider may be useful and helpful for your team.
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1. Todoist
Do you want to have a better organization of your tasks? Well, I present Todoist, with this, you will forget about having a life full of worries and stress. You can achieve your goals and enjoy peace of mind while you do it with this app, one of the best in activity management.
It came for W10; it contains a very intuitive and simple design so you can organize your projects anywhere.
2. Wintube
With this application, you will see the videos found on YouTube in an easy and useful way. Without a doubt, it is a very advantageous tool for Windows 10, since it also helps you save your favourite multimedia files and view them at any other time without any problem.
With Wintube you will not have any problem when using it, because it is in Spanish. The best of all is that it is free, so it is recommended that you download it now to use one of its services.
3. VLC media player
Is considered the best media player for Windows 10, with it you can play videos of all kinds, and not only that, but also is suitable for music of all types of the codex as OGG, FLAC, MKV, MP3 MP4, etc … In the time it is suitable for processing DVD, CD, and BlueRay.
By organizing your reproductions, you can see your films or tapes in an orderly and consecutive way. In this way, you will have no problem searching for them and playing them separately, grouping them in one place and not wasting time. It should be noted that it has a streaming capacity.
4. DropBox
The DropBox app is now available for Windows 10, Mac Os X, Linux, iOS, and Android. This is part of a cloud network, that is, you can upload important files to it and protect them with a backup. In this way, you can have all your data insured, and when entering another computer, you can make use of these.
It is worth noting that it is one of Todoist’s competencies. You can synchronize your life, since it also has several functions that can help you organize your projects, such as selecting lists, adding activities, sharing, and ordering your tasks.
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5. Adobe Photoshop Express
Are you a graphic designer and need to work with Adobe Photoshop? Don’t you have how to pay for Adobe Photoshop? We give you the solution, with Adobe Photoshop Express that for now is in the Windows 10 version, you can get access to Photoshop to work totally free.
It is also found on iOS and Android. Although it does not have the same functionalities as Adobe, it has features that will help you create and improve your designs.
6. Flashpaint
With this application, you will make your drawings more easily, since its design is very intuitive. You could learn a bit about graphic design since this platform will supplant this famous Photoshop brand.
The results generated can be stored in the app’s gallery so that all visitors can see them; they can see the finished art and the video of the construction process.
7. Fixwin 10
It is a platform available for Windows 10, very effective, which may help you until the end of your days. This application is responsible for finding the best way to solve any problem that your system may have.
Another critical point is that this is 100% free, so it will help you to be able to give it greater use and without additional costs. Besides that, it is portable, which means you don’t have to install anything on your computer.
8. Opera
It may not be better than the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser, but it does have something that any other does not have, and it is that it has a VPN installed where you can change your IP address.
It also has incognito browsed, where you can browse without leaving any traces in your history, an ad blocker and a battery saving function, all for free.
9. Polarr
You are a photographer? Say no more, Polarr is an application that is responsible for working with images, something similar to Photoshop. If you are a great expert in this work, you can use this tool in conjunction with another to compliment your work and achieve great effects. If, on the other hand, you are a beginner, this also works for you, since it offers a very graphical and simple interface.
10. F.lux
Sometimes we are on the computer late into the night and do not consider the problems this can cause our vision. That is why many developers have created different apps to help us; one of them is F.lux. It helps you reduce eye strain by automatically adjusting brightness and contrast based on location and time.
11. Recuva
Hasn’t it happened to you that you have deleted important information and want to recover it? We have Recuva, with it you can save any file, folder, videos, music or photo, you need to install it on your Windows 10 desktop, and that’s it.
This not only restores but also removes them most safely. Like other recovery programs, this one works looking for those not referenced, but if the system has written new data on a deleted one, the process will not be possible.
12. Greenshot
This is a full or partial screen capture program. You may be thinking, “I have the Windows image editor” because we told you that with Greenshot you could do many useful things such as adding arrows to your images, adding texts and many more. You can also send them to a cloud-like Flickr or DropBox, to be able to save them with more security. It’s free and available in 26 languages.
13. Flipboard
It is a tool that helps you create and view social content such as news, photos, videos and more in the form of a magazine. With it, you can read, collect and share all the articles of interest to you. You can also make a personalized brochure and distribute it so that others see your news and can follow you and vice versa to see more of what they like.
14. Sway
Sway is a tool used to create slides or videos very easily without investing a lot of time and money to do so; it is in the Windows Store ready for you to download. Best of all, it’s totally free. It is important to note that Sway is not there to replace the old PowerPoint.
15. Plumbago
It is an application that is designed for touch devices such as tablets with the Windows operating system. It can create freehand digital drawings, which is very optimal for graphic designers. It is very similar to the Paper By tool that you may have downloaded on your iPad, but now it is available in the Windows Store for use.
16. Hyper
It is an application specifically for watching YouTube videos. It has a very nice design, which makes it very easy to use. Although it is not the network itself where you see them, placing the full screen will remind you of this as if it were itself. You can get it in the Windows Store, only for Windows 10. With this, you can synchronize and manage your accounts without any problem.
17. Socialize Up
Finally, we have an all-in-one platform. Socialize Up allows you to use all social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp, among others, but from a much more accessible perspective. It is handy and very effective. It is only for W10 and is also available for iPad, Android and macOS.
18. Hotspot Shield Free VPN
We know that sometimes you cannot enter a page because they have blocked your IP address. After all, the government and ISPs try to censor certain content. But this is no longer a problem with this application because it is responsible for changing it to access it without restrictions. You can get safe and secure access to browse all the ones you want.