10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Bicycle Accident Claim Settlement

Bicycle Accident

Bicycle Accident

You may be entitled to compensation if you have been injured in a bicycle accident. However, there are some things that you need to avoid doing to increase your chances of getting a fair settlement. This blog post will discuss common mistakes people make when filing a bicycle accident settlement claim.

1. Not Hiring an Attorney

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not hiring an attorney. You will likely be disadvantaged if you try to handle your case independently. Coverage companies have teams of lawyers and adjusters experienced in handling these types of cases. Without an attorney, you will be up against professionals who know how to minimize your claims and payouts. If you are looking for an attorney, click here to learn more about how to find the right one for you.

2. Not Getting Medical Treatment

Another common mistake is not getting medical treatment right away. If you wait to see a doctor, the coverage company may try to argue that your injuries are not as serious as you claim. It is vital to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after the accident.

3. Not Collecting Evidence

It will be more difficult to prove your case if you do not collect evidence. Be sure to take pictures of the scene of the accident, your injuries, and any damage to your bicycle. You should also get the contact information of any witnesses who can corroborate your version of events.

4. Not Keeping Track of Expenses

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you may incur various expenses. These can include medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Be sure to keep track of all of your expenses so that you can be compensated for them.

5. Accepting a Quick Settlement

It is important to avoid accepting a quick settlement from the coverage company. If you do, you may be waiving your right to future compensation. An experienced attorney can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

6. Not Knowing the Value of Your Claim

Before you can negotiate a fair settlement, you need to know the value of your claim. This will consider the severity of your injuries, the cost of your medical treatment, and any lost wages. An experienced attorney will be able to help you determine the value of your claim.

7. Not Being Patient

The coverage company may drag out the claims process to pressure you into accepting a low settlement. It is essential to be patient and wait for a fair offer. An experienced attorney will be able to handle the coverage company’s delays and help you get the compensation you deserve.

8. Not Following Up with Your Attorney

It is vital to stay in touch with your attorney and keep them updated on your medical treatment and expenses. If you do not, they may not be able to advocate for you fully.

9. Not Responding to the Coverage Company

If the coverage company contacts you, it is vital to respond promptly. If you do not, they may take this as an indication that you are not serious about your claim.

10. Not Asking Questions

After you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you probably have many questions. Do not be afraid to ask your attorney for clarification. They should be able to provide you with the answers you need to make informed decisions about your case.

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, avoiding these common mistakes is crucial. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the claims process and get your compensation.