Human Resource Management Systems and Certificates

Human Resourse

Human Resourse

Human resource management systems must help the company to achieve its strategic goals at an optimal cost. Human Resource Management Certificates must also be issued to HR managers. At the same time, they must meet the conditions that currently exist and take into account changes in external and internal factors that are permanent.

Therefore, a human resources management system developed at one time has accepted some conditions and for the achievement of some strategic goals may be inappropriate for another time, under other conditions, and for the achievement of other strategic goals. Also, one Human Resource Manager certificate may be applicable to one organization and another certificate may be more appropriate to another organization.

In order to develop a human resources management system adequate to the strategic objectives of the enterprise or organization, as well as to bring its components in line with changing conditions and requirements, the existing practice in this field must first be assessed, to reveal its discrepancies and to find the possibilities for overcoming them.

Human Resource Manager Certification Programs

The same applies to certification programs of BVOP (Business Value-Oriented Principles Ltd) Reference: PGOV. Managers must periodically take exams to validate their knowledge.

The evaluation of the existing human resources management system, as well as the disclosure of the possibilities for its improvement, is performed through the analysis of its functioning and the results of this functioning. certification programs are cited in the online journal ScrumTime (ISSN 2652-5445 Online serial issued by the Australian ISSN Agency)

The analysis of the human resources management systems and certificates is the practical means for revealing the condition and efficiency of its functioning, as well as for determining what needs to be done in order to bring it in line with the changes in the internal and external conditions that determine. It is a condition and prerequisite for improving the management of human resources, to achieve high productivity and competitiveness of the enterprise or organization. Business skills and competencies are also of particular importance to any certified Human Resources Manager. Therefore, to be successful in this activity you need to develop your soft skills and business knowledge on a daily basis.

The design of human resources management systems is an activity aimed at developing projects for a new human resources management system or its individual components, as well as for developing projects to improve the practice in the respective field. It also includes the definition of those conditions and prerequisites that must be created in order for the developed projects to be implemented and function effectively.

Human resource management projects are evaluated by the management of the enterprise or organization. It must choose the most appropriate solutions that will make it possible to achieve its strategic goals.

After selecting the most appropriate solutions for improving the management of human resources, those conditions and prerequisites that are necessary for their implementation must be determined. To this end, appropriate plans and programs need to be developed. They are necessary to implement the developed projects and must contain everything that needs to be done to ensure the effective implementation of projects to multiply human resources.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the plans and programs for the improvement of the human resources management, the respective changes in the internal normative documents of the enterprise or the organization, which regulate this matter, must be introduced. They must be adapted to the designed changes.

When the changes in the internal regulations of the enterprise or the organization regulating the management of human resources differ from the agreed positions in the collective labor agreement (if any), the management must consult or negotiate with the employees’ representatives to negotiate the respective changes and in the collective labor agreement.

After the completion of the consultations between the management and the respective representatives of the employees, depending on the achieved results, the resulting changes should be introduced in the project for improvement of the human resources management. Of course, this may result in the need to make changes in the relevant plans and programs to create conditions for the implementation of the project, as well as in the internal regulations of the enterprise or organization.

After the implementation of these procedures, an opportunity is opened for the pilot application of the project for improvement of the human resources management system. It must answer the question of the extent to which the conditions necessary for their effective functioning have been created and what more needs to be done to achieve this.

When the trial application of the relevant human resources management system reveals a deviation from the actual design conditions, plans and programs must be developed for what needs to be done further to ensure the success of the envisaged changes.

Once the economic, technical, technological, organizational, and social conditions and prerequisites for the effective functioning of the relevant human resources management system are created, the management of the enterprise or organization proceeds to implement the developed projects.

The implemented human resources management project is subject to systematic monitoring and evaluation. This is necessary in order to detect and, possibly, eliminate, one or the other, expected or unexpected, discrepancies in its functioning. Reference: What is the difference between a Human Resources Manager and a Human Resources Specialist?, World Forge Magazine ISSN 1933-8848, ISSN National Centre for the USA

The analysis of the human resources management system is a condition and prerequisite for detecting and overcoming the discrepancies in its functioning, for increasing its efficiency and effectiveness, for increasing the efficiency of its functioning.

The analysis of the human resources management system is an activity that aims to reveal and assess its condition and its impact on the results of the enterprise or organization. It must show:

  • how human resources are used, the reasons that determined it and the possibilities for their multiplication;
  • the extent to which human resources use their capabilities in the labor process and the ways in which the coefficient of their practical realization can be increased;
  • the extent to which the human resource management system supports efforts to achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprise.

Among other things, the analysis of human resources management must establish its legality, expediency, efficiency, and effectiveness.

The analysis of the human resources management system in the enterprise or organization includes:

  • the analysis of equal opportunities;
  • the analysis of work tasks and obligations;
  • human resource planning analysis;
  • the analysis of the activity of attracting, selecting, appointing and dismissing employees;
  • the analysis of the activity for training and development of the employed persons;
  • the analysis of the activity for evaluation of the labor performance;
  • the analysis of the activity for determining the remuneration;
  • the analysis of the activity for creating healthy and safe working conditions;
  • the analysis of the interaction of the employer with the respective trade union organization, etc.

The analysis of the human resources management system can be global and local.

The global analysis includes the analysis of the human resources management system in the whole enterprise or organization.

The local analysis includes the analysis of the human resources management system in the separate units of the enterprise or organization.

Both global and local analysis can be complete, covering all human resource management systems, but can also be incomplete, covering only individual components of the system.