How to Opt for The Right Fiber Optic Cable Tester

Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber Optic Cable

If you work with fiber optic networks, you already know that conventional UTP and FTP cables are a thing of the past. With the speed and bandwidth that fiber optic cables offer, they have quickly become the preferred choice for network engineers worldwide. However, just like any other device, fiber optic cables require proper maintenance and troubleshooting to ensure they function correctly. This is where a reliable fiber optic tester comes into play.

Fiber optic cable testers are essential tools for anyone who wants to ensure their fiber optic network performs at its best. These testers help verify the integrity of your fiber optic cable installation by checking things like the fiber optic connectors, splices, cable, and power generation. They are crucial for maintaining the reliability and performance of your network.

The only challenge is that many types of fiber optic cable testers are in the market. That’s why, in this article, we will discuss how to choose the right fiber optic cable tester for your specific needs. By the end of this article, you can confidently select the perfect tester for your network. So without further ado, let us get started.

Select the Appropriate Device for Your Intended Use

When selecting a fiber optics tester, you will find a range of tools available in the market, each with its specific purpose. Some examples of these devices include fiber optic light sources, power meter kits, wire trackers, visual fault locators, and LAN cable testers. It is vital to choose the right type of device based on what purpose it will be used for.

For instance, if you need to test the quality and strength of a fiber optic signal, you would want to choose a power meter kit. On the other hand, if you need to identify and locate any faults in your fiber optic cable, a visual fault locator might be more suitable. Similarly, if you need to trace the path of a particular cable, you would want to use a wire tracker.

At Noyafa, you can find a complete range of fiber optics testers that can cater to your specific needs. So, before making a purchase, consider the purpose and select the appropriate device accordingly.

Choose the Right Tester for Your Specific Fiber Optic Cable Type

One of the most critical considerations when selecting a fiber optic cable tester is the type of cable you will be testing. There are various types of fiber optic cables, such as single-mode and multimode cables. Each type of cable requires a specific type of tester, so it’s crucial to ensure that the one you choose is compatible with the cable you’ll be testing.

For instance, if you’re testing a multimode cable, the Noyafa 2-in-1 optical multimeter NF-907C may be the perfect solution. It offers precise measurements and provides accurate results every time. We recommend not choosing a generic tester as it may not give you the accurate results you need. Choose the right tester for your specific cable type and ensure your network runs optimally.

Identify the Connector Type

Another crucial factor to consider when selecting a fiber optic cable tester is the type of connector you will be testing. Fiber optic connectors are used to join two fiber optic cables together, and there are various types of connectors available, such as:

  • Square connector or standard connector (SC)
  • Lucent connector (LC)
  • Straight tip(ST) connector
  • Ferrule connector or fiber channel (FC)

Each connector type has unique features and requires a specific type of tester to ensure accurate testing results.

To ensure that you select the right tester, it’s essential to choose a tester that is compatible with the connector you will be testing. Not considering compatibility could lead to inaccurate testing results and potential network problems. Luckily, you will find a wide range of fiber optic cable testers compatible with various connector types.

Choose a Fiber-Optic Cable Tester with the Right Level of Accuracy

When choosing a fiber-optic cable tester, accuracy is one of the most important factors to consider. However, not all testers are created equal; some may define accuracy differently than others. For instance, some testers are designed to test a cable for a longer period and provide an average reading. In contrast, others are made for rapid testing that delivers accurate results within seconds, even with a varying power level.

Therefore, it’s essential to choose a fiber-optic cable tester with the right accuracy level for your specific needs. If you need to measure the power generation of your fiber-optic cable for a long time, a tester that provides an average reading may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you need to test the power level of your cable accurately on the spot, a tester designed for quick testing may be more suitable.

Determine the Testing Range

The testing range of a fiber optic cable tester is another important factor to consider when choosing the right one for your needs. It refers to the distance of the fiber optic cable that the tester can accurately measure, and it varies depending on the testing method and the quality of the tester. Therefore, choosing a tester with the right testing range for your specific application is essential.

If you plan to test long distances, you need to choose a tester with a longer testing range that can accurately measure the entire length of your fiber optic cable. On the other hand, if you only need to test short distances, you can opt for a tester with a shorter testing range, as it can generate results quickly.

Evaluate the Testing Method

When choosing a fiber optic cable tester, it is essential to consider the testing method used by the tester. There are two main methods: TDR and OTDR. TDR is best suited for testing short distances and locating physical faults, while OTDR is used for testing long distances and detecting issues such as data loss and fiber attenuation. Selecting a tester that fits your needs is important to ensure accurate testing and reliable results.

Bottom Line

Fiber optic cable testers are essential for anyone working with fiber optic networks. If you want to ensure the reliability and performance of your fiber optic network, choosing the right fiber optic cable tester becomes imperative.

When selecting a tester, investing in a high-quality fiber optic cable tester that meets your specific needs and requirements is essential. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and researching your options, you can find the right fiber optic cable tester to suit your needs and ensure the efficient operation of your network.