Although you may well be tempted to try and save some money where you can, when you’re starting an e-commerce business or revamping one that needs a bit of love, there are areas that you most certainly shouldn’t scrimp on.
For an e-commerce business, top of the list is your website, which acts as your storefront and the only real connection that your customers have with your business. Trying to go it alone, even as a talented amateur, will have some major drawbacks, and you could leave it with these serious flaws.
#1 You could end up giving a bad first impression
First impressions count, and online, you only have a few precious seconds to make one. So, by taking a DIY approach, instead of your website looking professional and like a genuine e-commerce store, it may look hastily cobbled together and be the last place anyone is going to spend money. It might even come across as fraudulent, with visitors thinking that they’ll be scammed and put a massive dent in your reputation.
You want to make sure that you give the right impression and have your customers feel that they’re dealing with a bona fide company they can trust and receive high-quality products from.
To do this, instead of going it alone, you’ll need to enlist the services of an experienced e-commerce web design and development company such as MageCloud. They can take the reins and deliver a site that you’ll be proud to have as the online face of your business.
#2 It could leave your potential customers frustrated
However, if you do persist in using a DIY site, then you could find that there are other issues, too. Having a site that isn’t really meant to be used as an e-commerce site or is missing the relevant features could mean that the user experience is less than pleasant.
This is just going to leave your potential customers frustrated and unable to see products that they’re interested in, navigate your site, or ask the questions they need answered before making a purchase, resulting in abandoned carts and lost profits on your part.
#3 The website might be full of glitches
Of course, your DIY site could fail in other areas, too. Having glitches, hitches, and poor loading times are far from customer-friendly and you’ll find that your visitors are likely to just click away, leaving you with an unprecedented bounce rate to contend with. Having a website that’s anything but functional is a waste of time, money, and effort, and could spell the end for an e-commerce business.
So, to wrap it all up
You can now see why it’s a good idea to get an experienced professional e-commerce web design company involved with the creation of your website for your e-commerce business. Having a barely working, semi-functional, amateur-looking website could cause the decline of your business and even result in the end of your trading altogether.
Ultimately, you need to be aware that even if you do have web design experience, an e-commerce site is a different deal altogether, and it’s too big a task to put in the hands of anybody but the experts.