What to Expect When Working Together with Your NDIS Support Coordinator

What to Expect When Working Together with Your NDIS Support Coordinator

What to Expect When Working Together with Your NDIS Support Coordinator

You’ve been accepted for NDIS, and now you’re wondering what to expect when working with your Support Coordinator.

It is a valid question, as your Support Coordinator will be a vital part of your NDIS journey. They will be responsible for organising and coordinating the support you need, from communicating with service providers to ensuring budgets are followed.

But what can you do to make the most of this vital relationship? In this article, we will explore what does an NDIS support coordinator do? And what to expect when working with them and making the most of this vital partnership.

What Is an NDIS Support Coordinator?

An NDIS Support Coordinator will help you manage your NDIS plan. They will communicate with service providers, organise your support, ensure budgets are followed and help with plan reviews. They can even help you learn how to manage your plan.

What Services Can an NDIS Support Coordinator Provide?

When you’re working with an NDIS Support Coordinator, it’s essential to understand the services they can provide.

Your Support Coordinator can help you with things like organising your plan, ensuring your budget is followed and helping with plan reviews.

What happens at plan reviews? Your Support Coordinator will work with you and your NDIS planner to review your plan every 12 months. They’ll ensure all the services in your plan are still suitable for you and meet your needs.

But that’s not all they can do! Your Support Coordinator can also communicate with service providers and help you access the proper support and services.

They will be a point of contact for you and your service providers, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

The Benefits of Working With an NDIS Support Coordinator

When you work with an NDIS Support Coordinator, you’re opening up the lines of communication between you and the people providing your support. It can be a huge relief, especially if you need help with how to go about arranging your support or if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Your Support Coordinator can help you understand your plan and make the most of the budget allocated to you. They’ll also be able to work with your service providers and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

If there are any changes or problems, your Support Coordinator will be the first to know and will help to get things back on track.

How Do I Choose the Right NDIS Support Coordinator for Me?

How do you choose the right NDIS Support Coordinator for you? Firstly, look for someone who you feel comfortable with.

Your Support Coordinator will be your main point of contact under the NDIS, so it’s essential to find someone you can trust who understands your needs and find the proper support.

Do I need a Support Coordinator? Only some people need a Support Coordinator, but it may be useful if you are having difficulty managing your NDIS plan on your own. Your NDIS planner can help you decide if a support coordinator is right for you.


You will have a Support Coordinator to help you set up and manage your NDIS plan. They can provide support and guidance, connect you with service providers, and help organise the support you need.

Make sure to communicate with your Support Coordinator openly and honestly to ensure they can best help you.