Turn Any Tablet into an AI-Driven Self-Service Solution for UKG Users

Turn Any Tablet into an AI-Driven Self-Service Solution for UKG Users

Turn Any Tablet into an AI-Driven Self-Service Solution for UKG Users

As technology continues to evolve, employee self-service (ESS) solutions must adapt to meet the diverse needs of organizations. Most organizations seek an HR service delivery solution that is not only easily accessible to employees but also cost-effective for the organization. This is where tablet devices come into play. When employee self-service solutions are installed on the Android/iOS-based device, they can be conveniently placed where employees work, serving as hubs for HR self-service. This solution is not only highly affordable but also remarkably convenient for HR departments.

In this article, explore how CloudApper’s hrPad can transform any tablet or iPad of your choice into a cutting-edge AI-driven employee self-service solution. With seamless integration into your organization’s existing UKG solution, positioning the device for easy access empowers your employees with this powerful self-service solution.

What is Employee Employee Self-Service (ESS) Solution?

Employee self-service (ESS) software is a transformative tool that empowers employees to take control of their HR and HRIS requirements. It enables employees to efficiently manage various job-related tasks, including processing reimbursement requests, updating personal information, and accessing information on eligible benefits.

ESS software replaces outdated HR support and paper-based processes, offering a seamless transition to a more efficient and rational approach. As organizations adapt to evolving cultures, ESS becomes an indispensable component of HRIS (Human Resources Information System), revolutionizing HR procedures.

CloudApper’s HR Service Delivery Solution for ESS

CloudApper introduces hrPad, an AI-powered employee self-service solution for Android/iOS-based devices. hrPad offers a variety of features, including employee clock-in/out, job announcements within personal networks, scheduling checks, PTO request management, accrual balance monitoring, and an AI language model-powered HR assistant for automated query handling.

What makes hrPad unique is its full customizability, allowing you to adapt it to your specific requirements by adding or removing features as needed. It is a comprehensive AI-powered employee self-service solution on a tablet, capable of performing various AI-related tasks. hrPad seamlessly integrates with your existing UKG HCM ecosystem, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for UKG users.

Key Features of CloudApper’s Employee Self-Service Solution

CloudApper’s hrPad, an AI-based employee self-service software, offers the following features:

  • Seamless integration with the existing UKG HCM solution
  • Access to onboarding, policy, and handbook documents
  • Instantly answer workers’ questions regarding HR policies
  • Accurately track employee work hours and breaks
  • Ensure union labor is Getting Fair Payment
  • Collect employee feedback about satisfaction levels
  • Encourage employees to refer friends and family
  • Ensure record keeping of tips, attestations, and more
  • 24/7 Access to Comprehensive HR Information
  • Effortless survey conduction for valuable insights

Advantages of hrPad

Seamless Integration with UKG System

CloudApper has developed hrPad with the intention of easing the workload for HR professionals who rely on the UKG HCM solution. hrPad seamlessly integrates with your organization’s existing UKG system, effectively transforming any tablet of your choice into a powerful AI-driven employee self-service software.

Empowered Employees

With hrPad’s employee self-service software, employees can independently update personal information, HR policies and benefits, check schedules, and view timecards without HR intervention. This empowers employees to take ownership of their data, enhancing their responsibility and accuracy.

Reduced HR Workload

hrPad’s Self-service platforms simplify information retrieval, benefits access, and personal tasks, reducing HR’s administrative burden. Human resources may then prioritize issues of greater strategic importance, such as boosting morale and improving performance.

Streamlined Recruitment and Onboarding

hrPad employee self-service solution automates mundane tasks, freeing HR to strategize and optimize the recruitment process. It also aids in onboarding by eliminating manual data entry paper-based processes and creating organization charts.

Efficient Benefit Checking

With hrPad’s AI capabilities, it can identify individual employees through a biometric identification process. This empowers employees to conveniently check their various benefits, such as health insurance coverage and specific issues covered within the insurance, using the HR Assistant.

Easy Time-Off Management

Employees can request time off and receive automatic manager approvals through the portal. Notifications keep relevant parties informed, and time-off balances are updated. This convenience improves vacation planning and approval processes.

Boosted Employee Engagement

hrPad’s employee self-service solution includes an employee directory that enhances social interaction by announcing birthdays, work anniversaries, and important milestones. This feature fosters camaraderie and boosts employee engagement.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

With hrPad, employees can conveniently access company information using tablet devices. Organizations have the freedom to install hrPad on their preferred tablet. This strategic approach empowers HR to ensure employees stay consistently updated with vital data. These tablets will serve as accessible hubs for a self-service solution, enhancing productivity by reducing the time spent searching for information and eliminating problems related to lost or outdated documents.

These are just some of the benefits of hrPad’s employee self, designed to meet the HR needs of every employee.”


Embrace the future of HR with CloudApper’s hrPad – an AI-driven solution designed to streamline HR processes and empower your workforce. With seamless integration and a user-friendly platform, you can supercharge your HR efficiency and enhance employee engagement. Contact us now to experience the difference with CloudApper’s hrPad!