Essay Writing
You have to write an essay, and even though the deadline’s not until tomorrow, you don’t even know where to start. You stare at the paper, pen in hand, knowing that if you don’t write it now, there won’t be time later. But how do you get started? Do I get someone to write my essay for me? What do you say? How do you structure your argument and back it up with specific examples? Here are some tips on how to write a perfect essay in 7 easy steps.
1) Start with a good thesis statement
A good thesis statement is the first step to writing a perfect essay. Thesis statements give your readers a sense of what your paper is about and can be used as a guide throughout the writing process. You want it to be something that interests you and will spark discussion, but don’t spend too much time on it because you still have six more steps left. Don’t worry if you think your idea isn’t original; after all, no one has ever come up with a new idea in the history of humanity.
2) Write a strong introduction
Write a strong introduction. The introduction should tell the reader what your essay is about and what you will be discussing. It should also include your thesis statement, which is your argument or claim. Your thesis statement should be stated in one sentence, not two or three sentences. For example, in this paper I argue that Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment…The introduction should introduce your topic and the three body paragraphs should introduce each example or point with which you agree.
3) Develop your argument
Developing your argument is an important step in the writing process. You need a strong thesis statement and a few supporting points. This is where you get to make your case. Make sure you have plenty of evidence and examples to back up what you’re arguing for, or against, so that it’s clear why you think what you do. Structure your paper with an introduction, three body paragraphs with examples/evidence from each paragraph, and a conclusion.
4) Write a strong conclusion
Writing a strong conclusion is just as important as writing the introduction and body. Don’t just restate what you’ve already said, but instead summarize your main points and make sure your reader knows what they can expect after reading your essay. If it’s necessary, take one last stab at convincing your readers that you’re right by making a final appeal to logic or emotion. Just like the opening of your paper, try to keep this paragraph short.
5) Edit and proofread your essay
Edit and proofread your essay. If you have time, ask a trusted friend or family member for feedback on your essay. You can use their feedback to refine your essay, making it stronger and more concise. Once you are happy with your essay, print it out and make sure the font is readable. Double check that all references (including in-text citations) are formatted correctly. Finally, save your essay as a PDF file to keep in case anything happens to the original file.
6) Cite your sources
Cite your sources. Quotation marks are not necessary when quoting a passage directly. If you paraphrase, use quotation marks and use the original author’s name, year of publication, and page number in brackets. This is important because it is likely that this material will be cited in other works. It also helps people who want to look up the original source of information. .
7) Format your essay correctly
Format your essay correctly by using these formatting guidelines. Use a 12 point font, double spaced lines, and a 1 inch margin on all sides. Avoid using italics, underlines, bold or caps for emphasis. Leave one space after periods, but use two spaces between sentences. Keep lists neat by indenting and starting them with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of each item in the list. Put illustrations into captions and place captions below the illustration. Save your work often as you go, so that you have something to refer back to if anything goes wrong.