5 Steps to Revamp Your Website to Make It SEO Friendly



An SEO-friendly website is so much more than the awkward keyword stuffing that it used to be. Today, it’s a great benchmark for quality design that also has the added benefit of working to increase your ranking in the SERPs. Revamping your website so that it adheres to the latest SEO recommendations means updating the user experience and improving the overall impact your website has for real people and algorithms alike.

  • Start with a Technical and Content Audit

The first step in revamping your website for SEO is to conduct a technical and content audit. This will help you identify any technical issues that might be hindering your website’s performance in search engines. These issues may include broken links, slow loading speeds, missing title tags or meta descriptions, and duplicate content. It can, of course, be difficult to know what to look for, particularly if you don’t have an SEO specialist in-house. Outsourcing professional SEO services can take care of that problem, so you can have an actionable set of steps to take that’ll improve your website’s on-page and, eventually, off-page presence.

  • Create a Brand and Keyword Strategy

The second step in revamping your website for SEO is to create a brand and keyword strategy. This involves identifying your target audience, determining the keywords that they are searching for, and developing a plan to incorporate these keywords into your website’s content.

Having a strong brand identity is also important in establishing credibility and trust within your audience. This can be achieved by developing a consistent brand voice, tone, and visual identity across all your digital platforms.

  • Putting Content and Expertise at the Heart of Your Strategy

Google has updated its EAT algorithm to now look for “experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness”. This means that the experience of the author will now play a role in how content is ranked. Work on getting your opinions out there on different platforms, publish articles, write a book, and generally try to be known as an expert in your field. This will then lend more weight to your content, helping it get ranked more highly while also building up your company’s reputation and reach.

  • Improve Engagement and Interactivity on Your Website

The fourth step in revamping your website for SEO is to improve engagement and interactivity on your website. This includes incorporating interactive features such as videos, infographics, and quizzes to keep your audience engaged and on your website for longer.

Having a clear call to action (CTA) is also important in encouraging visitors to take action, whether it’s making a purchase or contacting you for more information.

  • Make Your Site Accessible and Responsive to All Users Needs

The fifth and final step in revamping your website for SEO is to make your site accessible and responsive to all users’ needs. This means ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and has alt tags and other features that make it accessible to users with disabilities. Having a website that is accessible and responsive to all users’ needs is not only good for SEO, but it is also an essential element of good user experience.