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A website represents the face of your brand that increases rates and portrays brand image, but as well is the place where your e-business achieves conversion and profit. A dull website will decrease user experience and consequently won’t engage users. Custom coded sites will dedicate today’s post to revealing sights and items which indicate that website is boring to users while providing tips to overcome these issues.
The web world is flooded with websites, therefore, staying competitive is vital but challenging. The first impression of your website often determines whether the visitor will further explore your website or leave. The comforting prospect of website design is that it can be changed, adapted, developed, and upgraded. With that, the appearance of your website can be up to date and engaging regardless of its present view.
A decrease in traffic and conversion rates suggests it’s time to make some changes. Here are 6 suspicious sights that clearly indicate your website is boring for users:
The website takes too long to load
Waiting for the page to load will almost guarantee to make the user leave before loading is complete. Page loading speed is the first thing visitors notice when entering the webpage. Needless to say, before the appearance of the page content precedes loading. The acknowledgment of loading time arises before visitors perceive the home page. It’s estimated that around 40% of visitors abandon the site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Website loading time and speed indicate the overall site quality. The fast loading of the website represents the professionalism and high standards of the brand.
The website is not suitable for other devices
Excellent user experience requires perfect loading of the website on various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers. A responsive and correctly structured website to function effectively on all popular devices is demanded in a digital world. As smartphones are the current leading tool for visiting the web, the mobile-friendly design of the website is imperative.
Lack of graphic content
Images and videos are required features that prevent the dullness of the website. Implementing those elements can liven up plain design and capture visitors by drawing their attention. Visuals have an important role in memorizing a website. Most visitors better recall graphics than text. The brain processes images more quickly than text, so images are a great way to tell a “thousand words” with one element. Quality visuals can successfully replace word content while providing a humanized and living dimension of the brand.
Lack of regular blog posts
Approximately 70% of web users read a blog post that indicates that regular uploading of such content is one of the essential parts of updating and maintaining a gripping website. This aspect of the website provides information about the business, brand, service, and products while significantly impacting SEO ranking. There are numerous blog subjects to write about. Additionally, through blog posts, you can advise customers, and display knowledge, company news, or other related topics. Blogs help in establishing credibility, trust, and brand personality. Regular posting encourages visitors to return to your site with anticipation of new blog content. This approach maintains the reason for users to come back again, ensures brand presence on social media, and keeps the website interesting.
Outdated website
Trends dictate the appearance of web design. New technologies, techniques, and styles emerge constantly, therefore web design involves continually. This implies that websites have to adapt to the changes. Users become easily bored of outdated website design as they seek innovative and interesting experiences. Dating websites leave the impression of a distrustful and out-of-service business. Websites that always involve and embrace new design ideas, keep content fresh, and updates security provides a sense of trust and credibility. The eminent brands adapt to supervenient trends in instant. Design that looks like it hasn’t seen the present, let alone the future, has no chance among competitive.
Increase in bounce rate
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of people that leaves a website after visiting a single page. If you notice highering of bounce rate it’s definitely time to do something about your website. If visitors don’t reside on your website, it suggests that the website content is boring, tiresome, or hard to navigate. In order to engage users, the website homepage should be interesting, informative, consistent, and stand out from the competition. These design attributes seize the visitors to explore and further discover your website.
Final Thoughts
A well-composed and memorable website leaves an effective first impression that makes visitors spend the amount of time on your website, ensuring their return while attracting new ones. Redesigning existing website will captivate users and win back lost ones the next time they find your website in their path again. Design your website to correspond to the interests of your target audience providing them with attractive content and a visual impression.