Managing a business and helping it grow are challenging tasks, considering how the market constantly evolves and customers are changing their preferences and needs. If managers didn’t try to keep up with the changes and improve their management processes, their businesses would never be able to stay up to par and gain clients’ interest. Specialists in developing management systems are always looking for new ways to make companies expand and adapt to the current needs of clients to earn profit and maximize waste.
There are a few methodologies that have been invented and perfected over time to organize businesses in such a way that productivity will remain at high levels. Working smartly is what most managers aim for so that their efforts will be fructified and concentrated towards increasing their revenue. 6 Sigma is one of the most popular methodologies that have been around for over 35 years. It was successfully implemented by renowned companies that became a strong brand thanks to intelligent management. In the following lines, we will explain how it works, and we will also present other methodologies that contribute to the growth and prosperity of companies.
How Businesses are Affected by Poor Management
People running a company or working inside one have a primary goal, which is getting to their clients with top-quality products that bring customer satisfaction and high profit. Creating products or offering services close to perfection is what any manager wants, and all their efforts are focused on improving their productivity. Errors caused by faulty management bring waste that affects revenue and brings unnecessary costs. Ultimately, customer feedback is impacted, so the profit differs from the expected one. A smooth organization is critical to achieving high productivity, and it should include all the processes involved in running a company. A good manager knows the importance of constantly improving, and 6 Sigma is one of the methodologies that put a high price on mastering organizing skills.
The Usefulness of 6 Sigma Accreditation
Among all the techniques used nowadays, 6 Sigma got special attention. It has made a massive comeback over the last years thanks to the innovative principles proven indispensable in running a business. Reducing errors, thus minimizing costs, is what every manager wants to obtain during a manufacturing process or while delivering a product or service to their customers. Faults create unwanted expenses and influence profit, not to mention they influence customer opinion and affect a company’s reputation in the long run.
Understanding how management improving methodologies can help raise a business is an essential step in creating an intelligent system that will minimize errors and maximize profit. Learning the insights of management improving techniques such as 6 Sigma is available for anyone, regardless of their role inside a company or their experience. The accreditation can be obtained online, as there are various specialized websites. There are several stages to pass to get to the maximum level, but each one offers a set of skills that can contribute to the development and well-functioning of a business. Once the applicant is familiar with the terms of the methodology, they will take a test to receive the certification. The person receiving the accreditation will soon be able to develop innovative ideas that can be applied to their business; hence, their management skills will be significantly improved.

The lean methodology is known as a powerful resource in fighting waste that affects the final product reaching the customer. This way, customer value will be significantly improved so that the feedback will be positive. A manager must identify the customer’s needs and wants and find the shortest way to obtain the ideal product using minimum funds. Over time, this management improving method was merged with other methodologies so that the final result would be customer satisfaction obtained with few resources consumed. Even 6 Sigma has adopted some of the particularities of lean methodology.
Six Sigma
One of the most popular techniques that contribute to improving businesses and helping them expand is 6 Sigma. It mainly relies on reducing errors during the manufacturing process, which are the most common errors that create unwanted expenses. The technique was initially developed in the mid-nineties and has since suffered various changes and improvements that boosted its success rate. It’s based on the idea that a manufacturing process must deliver a result close to perfection. The name comes from the Greek letter Sigma, and it represents the curb or the variation that is commonly seen during the manufacturing process. The purpose of Six Sigma is to minimize variation and achieve a level of quality next to perfection, which is only 3.4 defects.
Lean Six Sigma
As mentioned before, 6 Sigma and Lean were merged to obtain a superior technique that offers the perks of both methodologies. Many businesses in many fields prefer the combined method because it works in both ways: it eliminates defects and reduces variation to establish effective systems with excellent efficiency in achieving company goals.
Companies adopt this methodology when their employees must work together. This is a software development technique that brings an iterative approach based on having coworkers collaborate to achieve the same goal. It includes various steps called Sprint and scrum meetings that allow teammates to contribute, share ideas, and give feedback. These meetings ensure a smooth and flexible process based on personal opinions and facts. Many industries find this method particularly useful as it allows them to make changes while taking small steps and getting punctual views from the people who observe the manufacturing process closely.
Theory of Constraints

This theory states that any business has a constraint that prevents it from growing and achieving its goals; therefore, this methodology focuses on finding that obstacle and eliminating it to improve processes and achieve positive outcomes. It’s similar to the lean methodology that reduces defects, but the theory of constraints has a different approach that targets maximizing manufacturing capacity by detecting and correcting bottlenecks.
This technique is inspired by the Japanese word Kaizen and is based on continuous improvement and positive changes that impact a business. Not only the manager needs to take part in the growth process, but also the other workers. The main principle of this philosophy is that the work environment needs to be positive, and all the workers must form a team to obtain the desired results. Employees’ satisfaction plays a huge part in the success of a company, and Kaizen puts a high price on how workers feel at their workplace. Small changes can significantly impact if they are made the right way.