Modern Levers Of Effective Advertising



For the successful sale of goods, services are not enough just to start an advertising campaign. An important aspect is to attract the attention of the target audience. Today’s competition forces to use new levers of influence on potential customers.

An actual issue in marketing is planning. The media plan is used to solve marketing goals. It helps to identify effective places of advertising. The media plan consists of the following steps:

  • media planning;
  • media buying.

These are completely different directions, which are equally engaged in the advertising campaign.

Media planning is a set of actions (research, analysis, comparison, determination of the budget for the advertising campaign) held to deliver an advertising message. Media buying is the search, the agreement to buy advertising space.

Media Buying vs. Media Planning. Which of these tasks works more effectively? You will learn about this in our article.

Media planning: what are the benefits

Media planning helps to optimize funds for advertising campaigns. The process helps to choose marketing tools to deliver the advertising message to the target audience.

What are the benefits of media planning? Read more about this below:

  • optimization of use of funds;
  • definition of goals and methods of their achievement;
  • selection, combining advertising channels;
  • budgeting;
  • determining the terms of launching an advertising campaign;
  • control.

It is not enough for today’s audience just to see ads on TV in order to buy a product or service. Therefore, business representatives should learn to communicate with customers in the ” consumer’s language.” The use of media planning in this case is necessary. This will help better understand the demands of the target audience, the methods of influencing it.

Can the media planning be skipped and just run the actual ads? Of course, yes. However, in that case you will not be able to understand its effectiveness. As a result: the appearance of additional costs, losing the budget of the company, empty applications, and so on.

What media buying is used for

This process is the purchase of advertising space in the mass media, the Internet, further reselling it. In other words, it’s a rent of your advertising space at a certain period of time. Let’s say you started an ad for children’s toys. You don’t benefit from running it while the kids are in kindergarten or school.

The advantages of media buying are:

  • planning of sales volumes of advertising space;
  • a wide range of media platforms for advertising;
  • process automation;
  • optimization of financial flows;
  • analytics;
  • targeting details.

A distinction is made between targeted and mass media buying. To run advertising on one media buying platform or several platforms, the business owner decides on the basis of the planned campaign budget.

The disadvantage is the risk of cooperation with a fraudulent company, which artificially increases the activity of the audience.

Where to order advertising

Today there are a lot of services that help companies with the placement of promotional videos on various resources. How to choose a reliable?

BidMind has been in business for more than a year. It offers the following services:

  • digital out-of-home advertising;
  • digital audio;
  • connection of TV (CTV/OTT), mobiles, desktops.

With us you can receive help in starting an advertising campaign, using the available data, the development of targeting.

Be sure of an effective advertising campaign with BidMind!