How To Download Tweaks For iPhone And iOS?
In order to improve the performance of your iPhone, you would need the help of tweaks. The tweaks can help iOS in more than a couple of ways. You would generally see that when you use iOS for a longer period of time, it starts to lag. You might even encounter occasions when the application that you are using has stopped working. How to get rid of such situations? Simple, you download a certain tweak meant for a certain purpose. There are tweaks available with different objectives. Some tweaks can add to the looks of your mobile phone while some may improve the processing capabilities.
That being said, the real question here is that how can tweaks be downloaded in your iPhone? You need to follow the following steps:
1. Jailbreak Your Device
If you don’t know already, you need to jailbreak your mobile phone before you go on to reap the benefits of the tweaks. It wouldn’t work in a normal version of the device. In case you don’t want to jailbreak, you can install the Panda Helper App. So first you will need to find a jailbreaking tool so that you can carry forward this process. There are many tools out there and you need to look forward to the most useful and efficient tool which would help you to jailbreak your device easily.
2. Download Cydia
The next thing that you have to do is install Cydia to your device. Cydia is one such platform which will offer you a number of applications. There are a number of amazing and useful apps available on Cydia that make it easier for you to get the best out of your mobile phone. The same is the case with tweaks here. You will find a number of awesome tweaks here and we will talk about how to download and install them. First up, make sure you download Cydia from its official website or from a safe third-party app store.
3. Enter The Application
Once you have downloaded and installed Cydia, you need to enter it in order to browse all the tweaks and applications you would like from it. On the Cydia tool, you need to click on Edit and add a new repo URL. You will be receiving a warning message which you have to completely ignore. There would be an option “add anyway, you need to click on it in order to access your favourite tweaks further. There would be no harm done to your device as long as you have made sure it is jailbroken.
4. Enter Search Tab And Find Tweaks
Once you have made sure that you can add repo to your iOS device, it is time to move on to the last step of the process. This one is pretty easy as it would be the objective why you have downloaded Cydia and jailbreak your device in the first place. Enter the search Tab and look for the application that you would like to have on your device. There are various categories of tweaks here which would make the job easier. Once you have found the right option, you can install the tweaks to your device and enjoy the best of its services.
Q1: Is it important that I jailbreak my device before downloading tweaks?
Yes, you will have to jailbreak your device in order for tweaks to work on your device. No tweak would work on your phone in any other manner.
Q2: Is it difficult to download and install tweaks to your phone?
It is difficult to find a quality source to download the tweaks. It is more about the safety of your device from such a source as well. As long as platforms like Cydia are available, it wouldn’t be difficult for you to download and enjoy tweaks on your device.
Q3: Would it be okay if I download many tweaks all at once?
There’s no harm in downloading and installing multiple tweaks to your phone. It is more about the storage left on your device and if or not certain tweaks would fit into the storage capacity.
By following the above-mentioned steps, you would be able to download and install tweaks to your iPhone device. You have to be cautious throughout the procedure as one mistake can cause severe impact to your device.