How To Create The Ideal Media Coverage For Your Event

Media Coverage

Media Coverage

Let me ask you a very simple question: When can you be sure that your event promotion efforts are truly successful?

By the time all your tickets are sold out? When does a large percentage of your participants decide to opt for your brand’s products? Or is the mere fact that everything went well during your event a sign of success?

These are all very real indicators.

However, there is one clue that can kick in and tell you exactly when you’ve been successful: that’s when people start talking about your events, and therefore your brand.

Whether it’s on social media or a personal blog, the shorter the noise, the better for you. Marketing strategies, innovative techniques, getting influencers to talk about your event. . . All these actions are essential in the organization of an event.

But besides planning a few promotions, had you ever thought about his media coverage?

And I’m not talking about convincing a micro-influencer to share the link to your event on their Facebook page. I am referring to real news sites that have a large audience and are thought leaders in your field.

Have you already created a PR campaign or a media strategy for your (next) events? Do you know what results you could achieve if you had media coverage?

What is Media Coverage And Why Does It Matter? 

From popular blogs to traditional media communication channels (like radio or magazines) to podcasts and web platforms, virtually anything can be considered a medium these days. On the other hand, the main criteria to take into account when talking about the media are: an audience (preferably a large audience) and an effective means of disseminating your messages.

If you can get media coverage, you can also access an impactful communication method that could help you influence a specific target group.

If you haven’t made up your mind to getting media coverage yet, think twice: It could give you momentum to dramatically increase your influence.

As famous marketer Ryan Holiday put it in his book “Eternal Seller: The Art of Building and Running Marketing that Lasts” : “ A reality that we see in our culture is that you or your product – even never been published in the press, there is a risk that people will have no regard for you. Unless it is a novelty, it is very rare that a person or thing is both irrevocable and unknown. Hence the importance of the press and this is why it is a sine qua non of the most successful marketing plans. ”

Small Tips For Media Coverage Of Your Event

Tip # 1. Generate Marketing Buzz

Just the fact that you are planning a big event or that your brand produces quality items will not grab the attention of media outlets. To get media coverage, you will need to go out and put together a marketing campaign or a good media story.

For example, when Jay Z launched his book, Jay-Z Decoded , he came up with the idea of a brand new game for his fans. The rapper turned reading into a scavenger hunt.

Working with a creative agency , Jay-Z “smashed the 320 pages of Decoded into various formats in unexpected places: a rooftop in New Orleans, a pool bottom in Miami, cheeseburger wrappers in New Town. York, a pool table in Jay’s 40/40 club, and more. ”

His fans had to look for the 32 hidden images. As a reward, the singer offered entry for two to any concert around the world, and for life.

This marketing stunt has earned him a lot of media coverage that goes beyond a basic description of his book’s release. It was an idea interesting enough to ignite the imaginations of media consumers.

Tip # 2. Start With Point-of-sale Microphones

Paradoxical as it may sound, if you want to get media coverage and be represented by large outlets, you should start small.

In his book Believe Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, Ryan Holiday explains that, usually, big media outlets will ignore your story first.

However, if you manage to get talked about in small blogs or be featured in a not-so-well-known vlog, you’ll have a better chance that media outlets will pick that story up and put you on the front page more.

Tip # 3. Practice The Art Of “Newsjacking”

To get media coverage, be aware of what’s going on around you. When people are talking about a certain topic, be sure to include yourself and your event in the conversation.

A shrewd example is a Google newsjacking action

At some point, drones had become a huge media trend. Everyone was looking for drone news since these topics generated incredible traffic online.

As Holiday explained, “This obviously went through Amazon’s mind, on the eve of Cyber Monday — one of the biggest online selling days of the year — created an ad that showed its system. drone delivery of Amazon brand packages to the landing of several American homes. What is interesting is that the drone delivery system did not exist. As I write these words, it does not yet exist. However, that was never the heart of the matter. Amazon has hijacked the news to its advantage. Everyone accepted it — including “60 minutes,” where the commercial started — because the company did it right.


To achieve your event marketing goals and turn your brand into a reliable business, you need to get media coverage. It is not easy, but by using the right techniques, you can take advantage of the news and bring the facts back to you.

That’s why you need to spend some time building media marketing buzz or campaigns, aspire to be represented by small outlets or blogs, and ultimately include yourself in a conversation. Make people talk about your event!