How Physiotherapy Can Help You Deal With Constipation



Health issues can strike at any time and can be extremely inconvenient. In some cases the issue and the solution is simple. In others, it is a sign of more complex problems and further investigation and treatment is needed.

Constipation is defined as doing less than three bowel movements a week. In addition, your stools will be hard and dry, which makes them difficult to pass and usually causes pain when doing so. While most people will suffer from constipation at some point in their life, and it can be caused by dehydration, if it lasts for longer than several weeks you should get professional assistance.

Naturally, drinking more water will help to relieve the issue and get the stools moving smoothly through your bowels. But, physiotherapy can also help.

You’ll need to locate a good Botany physiotherapist before you start. This will ensure you are getting the very best treatment possible.

The Treatment Procedure

If you’re heading to the physiotherapist it can be useful to understand what treatments they are likely to include in their package:

  • Strengthening Exercises

There are a number of strengthening exercises that can be useful when dealing with constipation. The majority of the exercises that the physiotherapist will do with you revolve around strengthening the pelvic floor and the abdominal muscles.

Strengthening your core is great for your overall health and improves balance which can reduce the risk of falls and associated injuries. It also improves the ability of the gastro muscles and studies show it could speed up the time it takes for food to pass through your body.

  • Positioning

Simply positioning your body correctly can help the movement of food and waste products through your body. A physiotherapist will show you the best positions to adopt before and after eating to help you develop more regular bowel movements and less constipation.

  • Biofeedback

Physiotherapists are increasing using biofeedback to help patients with several conditions, including constipation. The technique helps you discover how to manually control functions in your body, allowing you to dictate when you use the toilet rather than waiting for your body to tell you.

The physiotherapist will use sensors to help transmit electrical information to your body, helping your brain to understand what is happening in greater detail and develop better control.

  • Relaxation

In many cases, people with ongoing constipation start to get stressed. They will become anxious regarding whether there are underlying causes or about the process of going to the bathroom. This stress makes it harder for the body to perform normal activities, effectively making the constipation worse.

Physiotherapists seek to help you relax and teach you relaxation techniques. Employed daily they can reduce stress and help to improve regularity, ultimately reducing and even eliminating any constipation-based issues.

Final Thoughts

If you have just developed constipation then it’s certainly worth trying over-the-counter medications. But, if it is an ongoing or recurring issue you need to see a physiotherapist. Not only will you be surprised at what they can do, but you’ll also be amazed at how quickly you get results.