As a dog owner, it can be frustrating and embarrassing to call your dog and have them fail to come, especially in an outdoor setting. Many factors determine your dog’s response to a call. And so, if they fail to respond, you shouldn’t stress about it. Instead, you should focus on applying more effective training methods. If you’re looking for a trusted dog training service, you can contact Wally World of Dogs: Long Island Dog Training. They offer personalized training programs that enhance dog recall.
Dog Recall Training Techniques
Maybe your dog is the type that leaps out of the house at every chance they get or they like pursuing little animals, and you struggle with commanding them to come back. The following tips are effective at boosting your dog’s ability to respond reliably upon calling them.
1. Improve Dog Recall By Using A Single Command
One of the factors that enhance dog recall is a steady effort in training. You need to use a single phrase consistently. You can speed up results by rewarding your dog after every reliable recall. If you start using new words for dog recall, it can bog down the training.
2. Start Small And Increase Gradually
Perform the training in an indoor setting before you go outdoors. Your dog cannot achieve outstanding results all of a sudden. If you take the time to train them slowly you have an excellent chance of improving their dog recall. Eventually, you can get your furry friend to run toward you even with so many distractions around or from a big distance.
3. Use A Positive Tone
Dogs can be sensitive to the nature of your voice. If you sound harsh, you may cause your dog to exhibit disobedience, and they would happily distract themselves. Always ensure you have a positive tone so that your dog may have good spirits and receive training. A positive tone is incredibly useful in promoting dog recall.
4. Reward Your Dog
You can increase your dog’s recall by rewarding them whenever they come to you. By handing them treats, they realize that they have done something commendable, and they are likely to retain the behavior. Rewards don’t have to be just dog treats; you can switch up with toys.
5. Don’t Repeat Yourself Overly
If your dog isn’t sufficiently trained, and you’re in an environment with distractions, it can be tough to get them to come back to you. You might even find yourself yelling repeatedly at your dog. This is not ideal. Repeating yourself over and over might have your furry friend thinking to themselves ignoring you is okay.
6. Start Early
Some dog owners wait for so long before they train their dogs, which is problematic. You need to start training your dog to respond to your call when they are still pups, and you can use positive reinforcement to speed up results. Puppies are lively and respond very well to training.
7. Don’t Create Difficult Tests For Your Dog
Avoid creating tests that are beyond the capabilities of your dog. You need to start with small tests and ease your way into bigger tests. Your tests should be designed for your dog to pass so that you can reward them and improve their reliable recall.
8. Involve Other People
One of the ways of installing excellent behavior in a dog is by having them surrounded by people. You can have the people say the command, and this prepares the dog to display impressive behavior. Also, constant exposure to people minimizes cases of fear periods and helps your dog socialize.
9. Avoid Being Hostile After Disobedience
Maybe you have gone to a park, and your dog becomes too excited, and you struggle to get them to come back to you. You might get annoyed by their disobedience and feel like unleashing anger or taking harsh decisions. But you need to restrain yourself from being harsh toward your furry friend. Otherwise, they might associate coming to you with negative feelings, and it would work against you.
10. Learn To Spot When Your Dog Isn’t Interested
Dogs don’t have the biggest attention span. And so, you should roll out the training in sessions that don’t exceed 15 minutes. Finish the sessions on a high note so that they can happily participate in the coming sessions. If your dog starts escaping, that’s a sign they are disinterested.
11. Invite Them
If you notice your dog coming toward you, and you haven’t called them, you can invite them and reward them. This fosters a good relationship and promotes dog recall.