For countless people, morning coffee is an indispensable part of everyday life and is their favorite and most important drink. For some, it might be that first cup in the morning to wake up and for others, it might be after a meal that caps a perfect evening.
People are questioning what they consume these days more and more, unsurprisingly. Consumers are far more aware of the damage to their health that is caused by additives they have been unwittingly ingesting and of course to the environment as well.
With over twelve billion pounds of coffee being consumed globally each year and 130 million drinkers in the US alone it might be right to question whether coffee is healthy. Everyone knows that caffeine itself is a drug and it gives the central nervous system a jolt. It improves people’s moods and can give a quick energy boost but at what cost?
One of the world’s favorite drinks for centuries
After a goat herder in Ethiopia discovered that his goats were getting a buzz from eating strange berries the world has embraced coffee as if it were their national drink. Perhaps tea is still drunk more often but with coffee shops on every street, it must be a close race.
South America is the biggest producer of coffee today and although the US consumes huge quantities it is the Dutch who drink the most coffee per capita. Coffee is enjoyed in countries as diverse as Laos, Thailand, Australia, Morocco, and in Greenland, it is drunk as a way to celebrate various events.
The popularity of coffee today
Despite some possible negative points to caffeine, drinking coffee is for many a deeply enjoyable event and for people interested in the art of making coffee and the latest trends then an online coffee blog is the place to visit. Coffee flavor is used in cakes, chocolate, steak recipes, chewing gum, and some delicious cocktails.
Regardless of its popularity, what is coffee doing to you and are there any health benefits or is it better to avoid?
Health benefits of consuming coffee
There are a surprising amount of health benefits to coffee. It isn’t just good for helping yourself to get going in the morning or for trying to sober up after too many glasses of juice. It can aid with your health in these ways:
- Helps to burn fat
- Contains nutrients
- Possible protection against illnesses
- Improve physical performance
- Improves brain function
- Lower the risk of liver damage
- Contains antioxidants
- Improves mood
Healthy living is a good reason to cook at home so you know what you are consuming and it would appear that coffee can be an important part of any balanced diet.
How could these benefits and ingredients help you?
When it comes to personal health, one of the main areas of worry for many is being overweight. Coffee can help burn fat up to nearly 30% more efficiently. When coupled with the energy boost it delivers and the obvious improved physical performance, it makes sense that morning coffee before hitting the gym will bring health benefits.
It is believed that coffee can protect the liver from the effects of alcohol and also lower the risk of many other diseases and illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.
For individuals who consume limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, coffee can become an important source of antioxidants in their diet. Additionally, coffee contains several essential nutrients, including magnesium, riboflavin, potassium, and manganese. These nutrients play various roles in supporting overall health and bodily functions. To further enhance the nutritional value of coffee, some individuals opt for protein coffee. If you’re wondering how to make protein coffee, the good news is that it can be easily made by adding a scoop of protein powder, such as whey or plant-based protein, to a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Stir or blend until the protein powder is fully dissolved, and enjoy a protein-packed caffeinated beverage that provides sustained energy and essential nutrients to kickstart your day. It’s a convenient and enjoyable way to combine the benefits of coffee with the added protein content.
What are the negatives of drinking coffee?
When you consider the most important tools and gadgets in your kitchen you might name your coffee maker, but just because there are many good things to this beverage does that mean there aren’t any bad ones?
One of the most obvious downsides to coffee is one of its benefits too; the energy boost it delivers. While all that caffeine is good for waking you up in the morning it can also keep you awake at night when you need to get rest. If you consume too much of it you can even have caffeine overdose which brings on some very unpleasant side effects.
Coffee can cause anxiety in people along with sleep disorders, it messes with blood sugar levels and can cause problems for anyone with high cholesterol. Caffeine intake is recommended at no higher than 400mg per day for an adult and half of that for pregnant women.
While there are some negatives to drinking too much coffee there are also many health benefits. For most people who enjoy a coffee, the slight health risks will be far outweighed by the good as well as the rich flavors they enjoy. When added to the social element that coffee shops bring it is no wonder that coffee is such a popular drink and it could even be one of the healthiest.