Would you like to go to the black side of SEO and try some black hat seo techniques? Don’t know where to start? Or maybe you are just interested in website promotion and don’t want to fall under search engine filters? No matter what is the exact reason, this article is definitely for you.
There is a huge variety of different SEO methods. Let us discover what is black hat seo in more detail and consider the main methods of website promotion that belong to this category. However, do not rush to use them immediately as there are punishments for their utilization.
What to do if you want to be filtered by Google?
On https://prposting.com/, we talk a lot about website promotion. We prefer white methods but we still should know what are the black ones, what is their essence, and why they are forbidden. The following three techniques are the most common.
The doorway is a re-optimized site for specific search queries with automatic content generation. As a rule, doorways create one landing page for one search query, automatically generate re-optimized texts, and meta tags, and relink all pages of the site to influence the anchor ranking and transfer the maximum static weight to the necessary pages. Doorways live for about 2-4 weeks.
The goal of this method is to collect maximum traffic for specific keywords and drain this traffic to partner sites.
Satellite networks
Satellites are sites made for the purpose of linking to a promoted resource or selling links in exchanges.
Google and Yandex do not like satellites very much, as these are sites made not for people, but for deceiving search engines, transmitting PR, and manipulating search results. Many webmasters make money by creating satellite networks, which, of course, worsen search results. That is why it belongs to black hat techniques.
The main purpose of its utilization is to sell links and manipulate link-ranking factors.
This is one of the blackest methods of website promotion. The essence of cloaking is that different information is provided to search engines and people. As a rule, a re-optimized version of the page is shown to search engines, which ranks well in search engines and occupies the highest positions. People, in turn, see a beautiful, readable article without keyword spamming.
The idea is to provide completely different information to people and search engines in order to inflate the position of the site in the search results.
Altogether, now you are aware of at least three black site promotion methods. Keep in mind that search engines can filter your site for their utilization. In addition, if it does not happen immediately, they will definitely do it, it is only a matter of time.