Looking to build a rabbit & bunny hutch? A lot of planning goes into making sure your furry friend is comfortable in their new habitat. The following are 8 tips to take into consideration when building a hutch for your rabbit or bunny.
Keep Height In Mind
Always keep height in mind when building or purchasing a hutch. Rabbits can jump higher than a foot when excited. Your hutch should measure at least two feet in height in order to accommodate your happy jumper.
Pay Attention to Square Footage
Give your rabbit room to move and play by ensuring that the hutch has plenty of square footage. Rabbits should have room to romp and play, not just enough space to turn around. Make them happy by giving them plenty of room to jump, play, hide, and sleep.
Make It Easy For You
You will need to access the rabbit hutch, be it for daily cleanings or just a few pats for your friendly bunny. Make it easy for yourself by making your access door large. That way, you have plenty of room to clean, and when it comes time to catch your bunny for veterinarian appointments, you have access to all of the same areas as your bunny.
Cover the Roof
Make sure at least part of the hutch has a suitable covering to protect your bunny from the elements. It should have proper roofing even if the hutch is placed indoors. This way, your bunny has a place to feel safe when he or she is ready to relax or feeling particularly stressed.
There are many materials one can use to create a roof on a rabbit hutch. Everything from wood to metal is appropriate. Possibly the best material, however, is asphalt. Asphalt reflects heat in the warm months and protects from inclement weather in the cold months. It is also sturdy enough that a curious bunny will not be able to chew through it.
Raise the Ground Floor
The ground floor of the hutch should be at least two inches off the ground. The general rule is to build the floor on the top of the bottom frame instead of on the bottom. This way, The floor is protected from rainwater, mold, and the chance of it rotting.
Go With Thicker Wire
When lining your cage with wire, always go with a thicker gauge. 1.5 inches should do the trick. Smaller gauges open up the chance of clogging when your rabbit’s feces inevitably falls through the hay or bedding used to line the floor.
Cover the Floor
Wire flooring is not the most comfortable choice, but it is necessary, as rabbits are known diggers and would eventually dig their way through an uncovered wooden floor. However, exposed wire can damage a bunny’s foot. Compromise by covering the floor with hay, wood chips, or other soft bedding materials. These materials are easy to clean and protect your rabbit’s feet from being scraped by the wire flooring.
Make a Nesting Box and Toys Readily Available
Rabbits are naturally nervous creatures who often crave alone time. Add a nesting box to your hutch to give them the peace and quiet they deserve. The nesting box should be covered on at least three sides and filled with hay, wood chips, or soft bedding. It serves as a safe place for your bunny to retreat to when they are ready for solitude.
When your rabbit is feeling social, make sure to have plenty of toys available. A rabbit’s favorite activity is to chew, so make sure plenty of sticks, grass, and hay are available. Wooden balls and blocks meant for rabbits are sold commercially. For an inexpensive, DIY toy, gather empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls, fill them with treats, and fold the ends over. Your bunny will have fun chasing and chewing at the roll, and they will be delighted to find the treats inside.
Rabbits and bunnies make great companions, but it is imperative that they have a suitable hutch in which to live. Their lifestyle should be taken into consideration before buying or building a hutch. By following these tips, you will create an environment that any bunny would love to live in.
Author’s Bio: Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – [email protected] or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com