Increase customer engagement with SMS marketing

Gone are the days of phone calls and emails sent to your dedicated client base. Instead, make sure you find a new method that guarantees higher open and response rates when compared to phones, letters, and emails! Oftentimes, emails go unread or put in the spam folder, whereas phone calls directly go to voicemail and the customer never learns about the special deals or promotions your business is running. Fortunately for you, we have a new outreach and communication method that can fix this age-old problem! Now, companies can use international SMS services to reach clients on a global scale. These solutions offer companies simple, cost-effective and reliable text messaging ability, anywhere in the world.

How your business can boost customer engagement by using SMS marketing – here are the top benefits!

SMS marketing strategies are now becoming a crucial component of effective marketing schemes for all types of businesses. Without mass communication to customers, there is no way that businesses can easily connect with their hundreds – or thousands – of customers daily. When you have specials and deals that you want to tell to your dedicated client base, you need a foolproof method that is sure to be delivered, opened, and read.

Sms marketing has taken off in recent years due to the influence of multi-channel marketing that is key for businesses to reach out to their clients, gain answers, and gain insight into the personality and characteristics of their target market. So why do so many digital marketing agencies and businesses still not utilize SMS marketing to its full potential? Without utilizing SMS marketing, businesses will see a drop in communication reliability and a lower return on investment.

Part of the reason why businesses still do not use SMS marketing is that they believe the cost of the associated programs and applications will be too high to continue and run. However, this is a misconception – businesses believe that the investment in apps requires extensive cost upfront and does not allow for a higher level of personalized communication.

Unfortunately for these businesses, they are mistaken! SMS marketing allows for highly targeted communication without paying a lot of money upfront. Mobile communications are actually much easier and simpler to send than other methods and can reach the customer quicker and in a more reliable manner.

Personalizing an SMS text for your SMS marketing scheme is easy, allowing the company to build a brand by reaching out to your thousands of customers with a friendly communication method. Personalizing an SMS text allows you to reach out to customers who would otherwise not answer telephone calls or generic emails that lack customization.

Let’s learn more about the top benefits of using SMS marketing to boost customer engagement levels!

Direct and immediate channel to customers

One of the main benefits of using SMS marketing for your business is the ability to have a direct and seamless channel to customers. Without any middlemen, you are sure that your message will be delivered exactly when you want it to without any hiccups. Sms marketing is one of the best ways to provide a direct channel to your consumers – text messages have a 97% read rate within the first 15 minutes of delivery, a number drastically higher than the read rates of emails or the answer rates of phone calls from businesses.

Furthermore, the SMS marketing campaigns from businesses that utilize mass texting have a 50% success rate when it comes to collaborating with other channels of communication, such as social media deals and targeted emails providing deals and promotions.

Use shortcodes to simplify responses

Do you want your customers to not only read the text message but also interact with your business to provide feedback about your target market or gain insight into your customer’s thoughts? You can do this by adding shortcodes to build your database! Have your customers respond to the text message by responding via shortcode so you can build a brand, increase your audience, and improve the likelihood of responses.

Integrate with other channels

The third benefit of using SMS marketing to boost your customer engagement is the ability to interact with other channels so you can build a comprehensive communication and personalized marketing method. All channels must work together and build off of one another when you are trying to form a foolproof marketing plan – using SMS marketing and other channels is no different. Sms marketing works well as a standalone concept, but can be even more effective when combined with modes like social media and email!

By combining two different marketing methods, you can increase the likelihood of your message being opened, read, and responded to. For example, if you send an email with a deal that the store is having a 25% off sale for email list subscribers only and the person doesn’t open the email, you can send an SMS text to the customer asking them if they have opened the email – this effective tactic actually increases the open rates of emails by nearly 30%!

Learn more about your customers

The fourth benefit of using SMS marketing to boost customer engagement is to learn more about your target market! You can gain more information about your customers by having feedback from consumers, such as the times of the open rates, what they enjoy opening, the deals they take advantage of, and what they find most interesting with your business. Learning about your customers allows you to customize your next marketing strategy to be more successful in the long run.

Increase customer engagement!

And obviously, the final benefit of using SMS marketing to boost customer engagement is the higher levels of customer engagement! Sms marketing lets you send creative messages and personalized texts to your customers so they are more familiar with you as a business and will feel more compelled to respond and interact.


Using SMS marketing is a smart and foolproof method that you can use as a standalone channel, or with other communication methods, to ensure you can figure out more about your customers, reach your target market, and boost engagement levels.

By sending personalized text messages to someone’s phone, the open and read rate is significantly higher than the engagement levels you will see from emails or phone calls! Use SMS marketing to learn more about your consumers, increase engagement levels, integrate with other channels, build your database, and provide a direct and immediate channel of communication!